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单词 Forcefully
1. He argued his case forcefully.
2. Mrs. Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.
3. He argued forcefully that stricter laws were necessary to deal with the problem.
4. He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.
5. Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.
6. As expected, the tobacco industry has responded forcefully.
7. The economic position has been put most forcefully by organizations representing professional musicians.
8. Forcefully she thrust her arms into the sleeves of her jacket, anxious to be away from the place.
9. How he must have aspired to rise up forcefully, his yearning impregnating the walls with a similar passion.
10. He should make that point forcefully to Mr Adams the next time they meet.
11. Hector said forcefully and directly to my father, making my guts jump.
12. This was most forcefully brought to my attention during the formative stages of a literature-search project conducted by an associate and myself.
13. Perkins nodded his agreement so forcefully that the plump flesh on his face trembled.
14. Joe pushed forcefully the piano into the orchestra pit.
15. Irene was bitterly unhappy and proved it forcefully.
16. Israel has intervened even more forcefully to weaken the shekel.
17. But the study of their observations had been forcefully driven under - ground.
18. So divorce has zoomed forcefully into the Zimmer zone now that the only reported rise in the divorce rate – in the most recent, just-published,(/forcefully.html) figures – is in the 60-plus age range.
19. Iran's armed forces will forcefully respond to any attempts to violate the Islamic Republic of Iran's airspace.
20. Prosecutors articulated so forcefully by the end of the speech.
21. Rehnquist was also a great scholar and a formidable intellect; no one insisted on this more forcefully than his political enemies.
22. Unlike most candidates calling for change or reform, Brown never had to forcefully criticize city government.
23. Airbags, designed for adult males, may punch outward too forcefully for children and small adults.
24. Robin Lakoff suggests that the prohibition on women using language forcefully extends to nonstandard pronunciation as well.
25. All over the world, the spread of the globalized monoculture is forcefully eradicating ecosocial forms of culture that evolved in place.
26. As we shall see, this is a point which has been made most forcefully by recent feminist writing.
27. It was curious, Julia thought, to hear the chief prosecution witness speaking so forcefully in favour of the defendant.
28. The two preachers who spoke at the inauguration put it more forcefully.
29. She denied the accusation with some warmth, ie strenuously , forcefully.
30. She added that groups such as the Lord's Resistance Army now operate almost freely in the region and forcefully recruit new members.
31. Stonewall marked the first time that gays and lesbians as a group forcefully and vocally asserted their rights to equality under the law.
32. Along with giving a gas moves from the mouth forcefully exhaled.
33. Basketball To shoot ( the ball ) forcefully and dramatically into the basket.
34. Japan and the Republic of Korea can forcefully involve themselves in China's development of IT technology.
35. The success of Finance customer management system have forcefully driven the administrative informatization of Chinese postal service and provides the data for the managerial decision-making.
36. When doing so, the globe is pulled under warmer air, suddenly forcefully.
37. He spoke forcefully to the President about the Chrysler situation.
38. If announced forcefully enough, the ECB's monetary howitzer would almost certainly drive down yields even in Greece.
39. As an academic, Mr Bernanke argued forcefully against targeting asset prices.
40. I have a vision of a huge march down Constitution Avenue, with the marchers bearing banners that read "Forcefully support the Bureau of Economic Analysis in its heroic estimation efforts."
40. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
41. Aging nuclear plants pose a risk in the United States as well, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission must enforce up-to-date safety standards more forcefully -- or risk the possibility of a disaster.
42. His friends did not agree and so they forcefully began stealing things.
43. To build socialistic new countryside must forcefully develop county domain economy.
44. They wanted a government that could act positively and forcefully.
45. We aim to carry through forcefully with forward - looking structural reforms.
46. Our representative justly and forcefully refuted the other side's fallacy.
47. Consternation erupted as the three quickly and forcefully dismissed the idea.
48. If you elect Jessica, you may be sure she will present our views forcefully and energetically. She is a very dynamic speaker.
49. That corruption is a two-way street came up more forcefully in the question-answer session.
50. But the majority objected forcefully to the word protester, and many were not even happy with rioter.
51. Forcefully develop it, continually break a new path of economic increasing, is realistic option and objective requirement that keeping fine momentum in Qinghai's economic development.
52. He is wont to express himself rather forcefully on that subject.
53. Cash - strapped consumers in depreciating houses might respond more forcefully to tax cuts than lower interest rates.




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