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单词 lucky
释义 Word family  noun luck adjective lucky ≠ unlucky luckless adverb luckily ≠ unluckily  luck·y /ˈlʌki/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective (comparative luckier, superlative luckiest)  1  LUCKYhaving good luck 运气好的,幸运的 SYN fortunate OPP unluckybe lucky to do/be something The children were lucky to survive the fire which destroyed their home. 孩子们的家毁于大火,但是他们得以幸存。lucky enough to do something those of us lucky enough to own our own homes 我们当中有幸拥有自己住房的人lucky if I’ll be lucky if I get any of my money back. 我要是能拿回一点钱就算我运气好了。lucky (that) I was tremendously lucky that I didn’t die in the accident. 我万分幸运,没有在事故中送命。lucky with We’ve been very lucky with the weather. 我们很幸运,天气一直很好。count/consider/think yourself lucky Count yourself lucky you’ve got a husband like Jack. 你应该觉得自己很幸运,有杰克这么一个丈夫。get lucky (=be lucky on a particular occasion) 运气好 You might get lucky and find a bargain. 说不定你运气好,能淘到便宜货。2  LUCKYresulting from good luck 好运带来的 I didn’t really know your name – it was just a lucky guess. 我并不知道你的名字―只是运气好猜中的。 A middle-aged woman had a lucky escape when a tree crashed down onto her car. 一棵树砸在一位中年女性的车上,她却有幸躲过一劫。it is lucky (that) It’s lucky that no-one was hurt. 所幸的是没有人受伤。3  LUCKYbringing good luck 带来好运的,吉祥的 a lucky charm 吉祥符4  lucky you/me etc spokenLUCKY used to say that someone is fortunate to be able to do something 你/我等真幸运〔指某人有幸能做某事〕 ‘My husband’s a rich man, and devoted to me.’ ‘Lucky you.’ “我丈夫很有钱,对我又忠心。” “你真幸运啊。”5  be somebody’s lucky day spoken used to say that something good and often unexpected will happen to someone 是某人的幸运日 We’re going to win. I just know it’s our lucky day 我们会赢的,我就知道今天我们运气好。6  you’ll/you’d be lucky! spoken used to tell someone that what they want probably will not happen 但愿你走运〔用于告诉某人他们所希望的事可能不会发生〕 ‘Fifty pounds should be enough.’ ‘You’ll be lucky!’ “50 英镑应该够了。” “但愿你走运!”7  I/you should be so lucky! spokenPROBABLY used to tell someone that what they want is not likely to happen, especially because it is unreasonable 我/你哪有这种运气!〔用于告诉某人其要求不大可能得到满足,尤因该要求不合理〕 You want three weeks holiday? You should be so lucky! 你想要三个星期的假期?想得倒美! → strike it lucky at strike1(20), → thank your lucky stars at thank(3), → third time lucky at third1(2)n COLLOCATIONSverbsfeel luckyI feel so incredibly lucky to have had that experience.get lucky informal (=be lucky)They’re not a great team - they just got lucky.count/consider/think yourself lucky (=believe that you are lucky in a particular situation)You should count yourself lucky you weren’t seriously hurt.strike (it) lucky informal (=be lucky)I applied for twenty jobs before I struck lucky.adverbsextremely/exceedingly/incredibly lucky (=very lucky)Police say it was extremely lucky that no one was killed.dead lucky informal (=very lucky)I was dead lucky to find a parking space right away.pretty lucky informal (=lucky, but not extremely lucky)We were pretty lucky with the weather on this holiday.lucky + NOUNa lucky winnerThe lucky winner of the competition will be announced next week.a lucky man/woman/boy/girlYour son’s a lucky man, having a father like you.the lucky ones (=lucky people, especially when compared to others who suffered)They considered themselves the lucky ones because they escaped with only minor injuries.phrasesbe lucky enough to do something (=have the good luck to do something)I was lucky enough to be selected for the school team. THESAURUSlucky happening because of good luck, or bringing you good luck 幸运的;带来好运的a lucky guess 侥幸猜中Seven is considered a lucky number. 七被视为幸运数字。nIt’s lucky that I’ve got some spare keys.nItaly got a lucky goal in the last five minutes of the game.n‘How did you know he’d be there?’ ‘It was a lucky guess.’fortunate happening because of good luck. Fortunate is more formal than lucky 幸运的〔比lucky正式〕It was extremely fortunate that there was no one in the building when the bomb went off. 万幸的是,炸弹爆炸时大楼内空无一人。I’m in the fortunate position of doing a job I love. 我很幸运,在做一份自己喜爱的工作。nSome plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy’s a good thing (that) (also it’s a good job (that) British English) spoken used when saying that there would have been problems if something had not happened 幸好,幸运的是It’s a good thing that you brought an umbrella with you. 幸好你带了一把伞。It’s a good job I’m here to help. 幸亏有我在可以帮忙。miraculous extremely lucky in a way that is almost unbelievable 奇迹般的,不可思议的nA teenager had a miraculous escape last night when the car she was travelling in overturned.The doctor gave her a month to live but she made a miraculous recovery. 医生认为她只能再活一个月,可她却奇迹般地康复了。It was miraculous that no one was seriously injured in the accident. 没有人在事故中受重伤,真是不可思议。fortuitous /fɔːˈtjuːɪtəs/ formal happening because of good luck 巧合的,偶然的a fortuitous decision 一个偶然决定a fortuitous coincidence 一次机缘巧合It was fortuitous that no one else was hurt. 幸运的是没有其他人受伤。a fluke /fluːk/ informal something that happens by chance, not because of skill or good judgment 侥幸;偶然The goal was a fluke. 这个进球纯属侥幸。By a fluke, he managed to get the question right. 他碰巧答对了这个问题。nbe in the right place at the right time used when saying that someone is lucky and the situation is right for themMaking money from buying property is easy – you just have to be in the right place at the right time.Examples from the Corpuslucky• It was then believed that if a cat crossed your path and did you no harm, you had been incredibly lucky.• One member of the phone tree, however, was not so lucky.• Sand lizards spend most of their time in burrows underground; we had been very lucky.• Yet, while Foinavon was indisputably lucky, bravery and skill also came into the reckoning.• She wears his wedding ring on a chain around her neck, as a lucky charm.• Then there are the lucky few who, every now and then, would splash out upwards of £1,000 on a single fish.• Italy got a lucky goal in the last five minutes of the game.• In the second half, the Red Wings scored a very lucky goal.• "How did you know he'd be there?" "It was a lucky guess."• He should count himself lucky not to have been blamed for the whole fiasco.• My lucky number is seven.• a lucky rabbit's foot• Isn't she lucky - she can eat what she wants and she never gets fat.• I have been lucky that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case.• Arthur left the front door unlocked - we're lucky that nothing was stolen.• ''It's lucky that you remembered about the passports'', said Barry as they drove away.• It was probably a lucky throw, a second cautious glance told him.• Even now most scholarly journals pay nothing and you are lucky to get a fee if you talk at a conference.• I'm lucky to live in a nice house and be married to such a nice man.• There are monkeys and zebra, and if you're lucky you might see a lucky to do/be something• He's lucky to be alive.• People say she was lucky to be alive, but she didn't feel lucky.• We were lucky to find a parking spot right in front of the store.• All the tragedies and happiness in my life are something I am lucky to be able to incorporate into what I do.• But they also know they are lucky to be in Lansing, picking up the trash.• Doctors say he is lucky to be alive.• He was lucky to be alive, he said.• I was lucky to be offered a job with the organisation.• I was lucky to be one of the interviewees-someone had mentioned my name to him.• My father is lucky to be coming home alive and unharmed.lucky guess• Maybe they made a lucky guess.• That had just been a lucky guess.• The reporters could not tell whether this was because Kalmbach was a lucky guess or a ridiculous one.• It had been a lucky guess, that was all.• And a rather malicious lucky guess to boot.• It is a very addictive game of logic, deduction, and lots of lucky guesses when you first play.luck·y adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  luck having Corpus good




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