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单词 loving
释义 Word family  noun love lover loveliness. lovey adjective lovable ≠ unlovable loveless lovely loving unloved verb love adverb lovingly  lov·ing /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective  1  [only before noun]LOVE behaving in a way that shows you love someone 钟爱的,表示爱意的loving wife/family/parents etc the confidence he had gained from having a warm and loving family 他因为有一个温暖、充满爱的家庭而获得的自信 What that child needs is plenty of loving care. 那孩子所需要的是大量的关爱。 He’s very loving and affectionate with his sister. 他很爱他的妹妹,和她很亲暱。2  peace-loving/fun-loving/home-loving etc LIKE somebody OR somethingthinking that peace, having fun etc is very important 热爱和平的/喜爱玩乐的/爱家的等 a peace-loving nation 热爱和平的国家3  done with a lot of care and attention 精心的 the loving care with which the house has been restored 修缮这幢房子所花的心血 —lovingly adverb She smiled at him lovingly. 她对他微笑,眼神中充满爱意。 the plane he had lovingly built 他精心打造的这架飞机Examples from the Corpusloving• They were part of her loving.• Her husband was loving and supportive throughout her long illness.• It is the routine and tender loving care of the staff that create the best atmosphere.• It is a speech of effusive praise, which if it were true, would make her an exceptionally loving child.• Only good can come from loving company.• Suddenly Anne thought of the kitchen as it had been throughout her childhood, a warm, secure and loving haven.• a loving husband• She was a devoted wife and a very loving mother.• Voices may sound loving, or angry, or anxious.loving wife/family/parents etc• Along the way, he enjoyed a rewarding marriage and a loving family.• I come from a good and loving family.• It does not matter; she is in a warm and loving family.• My loving parents are determining my future, with only my best interests at heart.• A new baby is simply accepted into a loving family as a gift.• No one on earth had such a loving family, no one on earth felt so cooped up and smothered.• Their dad, she felt, deserved a far more loving wife than Maud had become.• The confidence he had gained from having a loving wife was being undermined by a feeling of rejection from the public.loving care• Lucky patients get superb nursing care, infused with professionalism and tender loving care.• The Backup New yachts suffer from teething problems, and older yachts need lots of tender loving care.• Mud-Pony-Boy healed the horse with loving care and herbal compresses for the injured foot.• Nails dry out in the sun, too, and need just as much loving care as your hands!• Your goal is to provide tender; loving care in spite of his negativity and defiance.• With glass and tender loving care it can be done.• It is the routine and tender loving care of the staff that create the best atmosphere.• Hospitals needed some one to give tender loving care to chil-dren, social agencies had various similar needs, and so on.lov·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  in someone behaving love shows Corpus that you a way




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