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单词 longhand
释义  long·hand /ˈlɒŋhænd $ ˈlɒːŋ-/ noun [uncountable]  WRITEif you write something in longhand, you write it by hand using complete words, rather than typing it or using special short forms of words 普通书写〔与打字或速记相对〕 → shorthandExamples from the Corpuslonghand• An example would be writing a book in longhand instead of learning to use a word processor.• The document had become the classic of dissent for these young men, each copy painstakingly written out in longhand.• The memories crowded in around me as I sat with a nice cup of steaming hot water, writing in longhand.• In theory, all these tasks could be done by conventional methods, i.e. paste-up, longhand correction, etc.• So she pushed herself, sometimes writing longhand, sometimes on a word processor.• This mode of writing is familiar, particularly if you grew up writing longhand.long·hand nounChineseSyllable  by you you if longhand, in write Corpus something write hand it




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