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单词 evening primrose
释义  ˌevening ˈprimrose noun [countable, uncountable]  a plant with small flowers, whose seeds are used to make medicines 月见草,夜来香〔其花籽可用于制药〕Examples from the Corpusevening primrose• Only poison, not evening primrose oil, could cure that.• The large numbers of evening primrose in Liverpool reflect its abundance on the sand dunes just outside the city.• Wright and Burton performed a crossover study of evening primrose oil and placebo in 99 adults and children with atopic eczema.• Many women find, over a period of time, that they like to take a regular supplement of evening primrose oil.• All that's added to our evening primrose oil is a little vitamin E to help your body obtain its full goodness.ˌevening ˈprimrose nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a plant with whose seeds are used small flowers,




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