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单词 even-handed
释义  ˌeven-ˈhanded adjective  FAIRgiving fair and equal treatment to everyone 公正的;不偏不倚的 SYN fair He was very even-handed in the way he treated his employees. 他对自己的雇员都一视同仁。► see thesaurus at fairExamples from the Corpuseven-handed• Doug Pray's first film is an impressively even-handed documentary on the Seattle music scene.• Would they riot or would they be relieved that an even-handed exercise had removed their tormentors?• The BBC has the reputation of being even-handed in its coverage of election news.• Second, some feel that no supply of arms to the combatants, however even-handed, is compatible with neutrality.• Local magistrates are expected to respect the law and provide even-handed justice.• Yet this exceedingly sensible system has not always been applied in an even-handed manner.• With even-handed ridicule, John Mortimer spends much of this novel making you laugh at both.• One might as well speak of even-handed socialism.• My response is, in brief, that no-supply is not more neutral than even-handed supply.• The success of Reuter's agency lay in its objectivity, speed, and even-handed treatment of clients.ˌeven-ˈhanded adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus to fair and everyone treatment giving equal




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