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单词 limiting
释义 Word family  noun limit limitation delimitation adjective limited ≠ unlimited limiting limitless verb limit delimit  lim·it·ing /ˈlɪmətɪŋ/ adjective  1  PREVENTpreventing any improvement or increase in something 限制性的,制约的 A limiting factor in health care is the way resources are distributed. 医疗保健的一个制约因素是资源的分配方式。2  informalBORING preventing someone from developing and doing what they are interested in 限制的,局限的〔指阻止某人发展或做其感兴趣的事〕 The job’s OK, but it’s sort of limiting. 这工作不错,但有点束缚。Examples from the Corpuslimiting• I found staying at home with the kids very limiting.• I found the lack of available reference books very limiting.• Your prime objective should assist you in coming to terms with the most limiting aspect of verbal presentations.• Significant cyclosporin toxicity during prolonged treatment is minimal and does not appear to be a limiting factor at this dose of cyclosporin.• There is a lot of research that still needs to be done, but money is an important limiting factor.• In practice, for a given area to remain in isostatic equilibrium, there would always be a limiting factor.• I began this discussion by saying that adherence to systematic nomenclature is a limiting kind of freedom.limiting factor• Actually this statement, without the rhetoric, gives a useful limiting factor.• Again: there is cost and time involved with travel and may be a limiting factor.• The fact that many of them have not been trained as teachers is another important limiting factor.• Yachts visiting Lake Saimaa must be fitted with holding tanks, but otherwise draught is the principal limiting factor.• Significant cyclosporin toxicity during prolonged treatment is minimal and does not appear to be a limiting factor at this dose of cyclosporin.• The limiting factor for early planting is more often waterlogged soil than cold temperatures.• He said the limiting factor has been power.• Water has always been the limiting factor here.lim·it·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  improvement increase something Corpus any or in preventing




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