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单词 Military headquarters
1. The two leaders went to military headquarters for confirmation and were told that the staff were otherwise engaged.
2. AFRICOM, one of six Defense Department regional military headquarters, became operational October 1, 2008.
3. The new military headquarters; the new government office and parliament; the stadium - all Chinese built or renovated.
4. At dusk we arrived in Yehtao , military headquarters for the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Border Region.
5. In an emotional ceremony at military headquarters in Rawalpindi, a tearful Musharraf handed the baton to a loyalist, General Ashfaq Kyani, saying, "I have loved this army."
6. They required the Japanese military headquarters, via Utsunomiya Taro for the possibility of organizing a new government and military help.
7. But military headquarters staff take to PowerPoint exactly like Pookie takes to the crack pipe in New Jack City — they hate it, even as they make themselves entirely dependent on it.
8. He was attached to the Cuban military headquarters in Havana until two months ago when he was made commander of the Santiago military district, for long the centre of rebel activities.
9. Outside the military headquarters in Dagger, there is little presence of paramilitary troops or police.
10. A surgical strike was carried out on the enemy's military headquarters.
11. The first tussles of the 1848 revolution took place here when it was the military headquarters.
12. So were all the major South Viet-namese government and military headquarters.
13. Demir was able to call a lawyer[], arrange for him to visit the main military headquarters and see the campaigner.
14. The four ancestral village, was then the seat of the Red Army 13 th Army military headquarters.
15. S. military is no longer NATO-centric, preferring to fold allies into operations individually in regional military headquarters than involve the machinery of politico-military decision-making in NATO.
16. Another 184 people died when a third plane was flown into the Pentagon, the U.S. military headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.
17. Of Song Ziwen not land is indicative insist to implement the policy that discharge day, so this caused Japan to object strongly of military headquarters further.
18. Hard by were the great open-air temple and sanctuary of Aton, the police and military headquarters, and the records office for the "Foreign Office" archives.
19. "It has been observed that helicopters of the US army were flying a short distance from the Iran-Iraq border,(http://)" Iran's military headquarters said in a statement.
20. Reports say that he lives in a residence in the military headquarters in Napyidaw.
21. I pulled my camera and the clothes issued by the military headquarters out from under the mound of the debris, and I got dressed.
22. It's near a number of sensitive targets including a military headquarters and barracks.
23. I got lost, very upset. I returned to the military headquarters earlier. I tried to emerge in the work in order to forget what had happened.
24. Embattled President Hosni Mubarak earlier met top commanders during a visit to a military headquarters.
25. The optical fiber sensing technique has been getting highly concerned by many governments and military headquarters, because of its special advantages and functions.




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