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单词 laryngitis
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitylar·yn·gi·tis /ˌlærɪnˈdʒaɪtɪs/ noun [uncountable]  MIan illness which makes talking difficult because your larynx and throat are swollen 喉炎Examples from the Corpuslaryngitis• For her last week, Cuka had been appearing with understudy Richard Franklin because Crawford had laryngitis.• He could only really recapture the timbre if he had laryngitis when the time came for shooting.• Hadn't Lisa mentioned laryngitis as one of the symptoms?• The Manchester premiere in March 1974 had to be cancelled when Crawford went down with laryngitis.lar·yn·gi·tis nounChineseSyllable  makes throat because Corpus larynx which difficult and illness talking your an




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