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单词 Glacier
(1) The glacier calved a large iceberg.
(2) A river or glacier debouches on the plains.
(3) The best bit was walking along the glacier.
(4) The glacier dislocated great stones.
(5) But the Kangshung glacier, too, was deserted.
(6) Andermatt has spring-like conditions, skiing on the glacier only.
(7) The route up the Wellenkuppe from the glacier follows a wide snow ramp and then scrambles over rock for a while.
(8) Glacier walking is a piece of cake; well this bit was, with rolling hills of dazzling serenity.
(9) Eventually camp was pitched on the glacier, 36 hours after the start of the summit bid.
(10) The glacier feeding the fjord starts to melt at this time of year.
(11) Temsco also offers custom tours to LeConte Glacier and Mount McKinley.
(12) The rock broke from a cliff southeast of Glacier Point.
(13) Skiing takes place on the Kitzsteinhorn, a spectacular glacier towering over the surrounding countryside.
(14) There was 9,000 feet of descent to the glacier to prepare for.
(15) The Stubai glacier is another good bet for summer skiing.
(16) Residents of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships.
(17) It was as tall and cold as a glacier rolling down a valley, crunching trees like matchsticks.
(18) Official archaeology views it as the chance remains of a glacier.
(19) Accommodation is at Neustift, a pretty little village 20 minutes from the glacier, or Fulpmes further down the valley.
(20) We went back to the top and made fresh tracks towards Chamonix through windswept powder snow on the Glacier du Geant.
(21) They made their assault on the south face of the glacier.
(22) After a vineyard visit, members head to Greymouth for hiking up the Franz Joseph Glacier with a local guide.
(23) There is now a strong case for a realistic dialogue between those studying glacier dynamics and those studying forms.
(24) But, at our request, the planes soared up the bay and through a canyon over LeConte Glacier.
(25) Here are scattered numerous slate boulders which have been carried by glacier action and dumped on a limestone shelf.
(26) They were arrested only days after breaking a world record by riding across a glacier in the Himalayas.
(27) Soar above glacial peaks and swim underwater through the icy caverns submerged within the Chaos Glacier.
(28) Our goal was to get as close as possible to LeConte Glacier, the southernmost active tidewater glacier in the Northern Hemisphere.
(29) She held the lead and quietly plodded upward through the crisp snow that covered the long Baskan Glacier.
(30) The collection is being marketed as clothing for ice climbers, glacier explorers and back-country skiers.
(31) And up this way, in easy hiking distance, the great Knik Glacier.
(32) Campgrounds in Glacier National Park open in late May and early June.
(33) The glacier lay about 2 miles away around a bend in the bay.
(34) The park was formed to preserve for ever the spectacular countryside, lakes and river systems created in the wake of the glacier.
(35) Just a short distance away, looming above a glacier, was the dazzling, ice-hung bulk of Chonku Chuli.
(36) They were definitely photographs of some very old and very large vessel half submerged in a glacier.
(37) We watched them climb upwards and across the Charpoua Glacier, following a tongue of snow into the rocks of the Drus.
(38) A granite sheet 200 feet high and up to 50 feet thick suddenly slid off Glacier Point.
(39) From a bowl-shaped cirque, the glacier flows downhill.
(40) The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses.
(41) The glacier dislocated the great stones.
(42) The erosive processes by which a glacier is reduced.
(43) Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.
(44) The glacier scooped a canyon out of rocks.
(45) By the time the Marsh joins the immense Nimrod Glacier, some 35 miles from our camp, the ice is on a rapid charge to the Ross Sea Ice Shelf.
(46) This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a moraine—a mound formed by the accumulation of sediments and rocks moved by the glacier—on the other.
(47) Here, a large, glistening iceberg calved from the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland drifts through Disko Bay on its way to the Atlantic Ocean.
(48) An exultant climber raises his ice ax near the mouth of an ice cave on Alaska's Matanuska Glacier.
(49) Many of them have never been in Yellowstone Park or Glacier Park.
(50) The meltwater from the glacier on top of the volcano ran down into the crater,[http:///glacier.html] chilling the magma and then the pressure from underneath caused an explosion.
(51) Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins.
(52) It showed the ice-encrusted north face of Everest and, below it, the great river of ice known as the Main Rongbuk Glacier, flowing in a sweeping, S-shaped curve down a broad, stony valley.
(53) This berg has some ice-debris on it that has probably fallen from other ice calvings, as it drifted by the Humboldt glacier that it has calved from.
(54) What makes Grimsvotn different is that it lies under a huge glacier of the ice up to 12 meters thick.
(55) Beginning 25,000 years ago, the Bow Valley glacier ground through the region before being overtaken by a continental glacier.
(56) That would mean 23% of China's population deprived of the dry season glacier melt, making water scarcity far more severe than it is even today.
(57) Mary Cook works on the ground crew for an air taxi company in Gustavus, Alaska, a community of 450 surrounded by Glacier Bay National Park.
(58) A person stands underneath a natural arch in a glacier at Norsel Point, Anvers Island, Antarctica on July 30, 2006.
(59) Lituya Bay is a T-shaped fjord on the coast of the Alaskan Panhandle, west of Glacier Bay and about 120 miles west-northwest of Juneau.
(60) Reached the Throp glacier 5800 meter side glacierets to retrocede same time about 8 meters.
(61) Some of the most spectacular icebergs are calved from the 4-mile-wide Jakobshavn Glacier near the town of Ilulissat on Greenland’s west central coast.
(62) All these show that taking the equilibrium line altitude of alpine glacier as a proxy of climate changes and calculating the climate condition from the equation is feasible.
(63) "Without knowing anything about what is going on, you just have to look at the glacier to know something huge is happening here, " says the glaciologist.
(64) Where the ice passes over especially steep terrain, ripple marks on the glacier surface indicate the icefall.
(65) Our tents were pitched on a sandy moraine shore opposite the massive Blomstrand Glacier – a monster of moving ice that lets out groans and cracks as it calves icebergs into the sea.
(66) Snow mountain, glacier, conifers, white birch set each other off its beauty.
(67) A second team led by William Hammer of Augustana College in Rock Island found the 200 million-year-old plant-eater's fossils on a mountaintop 13,000 feet high near the Beardmore Glacier.
(68) In a study published today in Nature, David Egholm of Aarhus University in Denmark showed that mountain height depends more on ice and glacier coverage than tectonic forces.
(69) Taylor Glacier, its snout reddened by iron, drains into Lake Bonney.
(70) The lake, eight miles up from the terminus of the glacier, was held in place by the glacier, but in 2008 it broke through and drained into Resurrection Bay in Kenai Fjords National Park.
(71) Petermann Glacier is located in Northwest Greenland to the east of Nares Strait, and is the northernmost glacier in the world.
(72) He was scoutmaster of Bill Sr.'s Boy Scout troop, leading the boys on hikes through the Olympic Mountains and driving them in a beat-up bus to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks.
(73) That debris protected the remaining glacier ice for millions of years.
(74) The glacier tongue had previously contributed to keeping a section of the ocean free of ice, a condition known as a polynya.
(75) Away from the main range of Mt. Xixiabangma and without clear incised valley, local circulation is insignificant and the whole glacier were covered by southerly and southeasterly.
(76) If the weather permits, we will have a chance to visit Peyto Lake, Bow Valley, Bow Lake, and the Crowfoot Glacier.
(77) He remembered Mr. Perrichon's dogged and undiscouraged attachment to the young man whom he had pulled out of the glacier.
(78) He knows much about snow and knows how to live in glacier.
(79) Starting in mid-December 2011, Robert Bindschadler, a glaciologist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,[http:///glacier.html] will be leading a long-anticipated six-week expedition to the glacier.
(80) Coldfrost calls the avatar of arctic glacier to freeze her enemy.
(81) The precipitation amount near the glacier showed different annual cycle compared with the nearby lowlands.
(82) It ACTS as a geologic rasp, scratching, gouging and generally abrading the surfaces over which the glacier rides.
(83) But under the Taylor Glacier on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, near a place called Blood Falls, scientists have discovered a time capsule of bacterial activity.
(84) Mark Skidmore, a microbiologist at Montana State University in Bozeman, reported at the conference that his team has found methanogens in the Robertson glacier in the Canadian Rockies.
(85) Stark against blue-white ice, a mountaineer ascends a ladder on Mount Everest's upper Khumbu glacier.
(86) To enjoy the wonders, Visitors should tramway to get to the glacier park.
(87) But I have to go down among the rocks the glacier left and squat at the edge of the water where a stinking pile of them lies, where one crow balances and sinks its beak into a gelid eye.
(88) A group of seals rests on floating ice front of Muir Glacier in Glacier Bay, Alaska.
(89) He had lain in his icy tomb on an Alpine glacier in northern Italy for 5, 300 years, a perfectly preserved Stone Age warrior, complete with fur robes, leather shoes and bow and arrow.
(90) Till it gets them, troop disengagement, withdrawal and the final demilitarization of the glacier is not on the cards.
(91) Mr Forster and his guide entered upon this portion of the glacier.
(92) How a wave could have reached such a height remains speculative, but scientists studying the aftermath observed that a subglacial lake behind Lituya Glacier had dropped 100 feet in depth.
(93) In another case, H2O sold as "pure glacier water" came from a public water system in Alaska.
(94) You enter a glacier in a blizzard and exit in an avalanche.
(95) Mosey up to Glacier National Park and you'll see what we mean about the mountains.
(96) Sella pass, near Godwin - Austen glacier , is named after him.
(97) Located in southern Tajikistan in the Pamir Mountains, Medvezhiy (Bear) Glacier is roughly 16 kilometers long, and drains out of the Academii Nauk (Academy of Sciences) Range.
(98) "Ecuador has nearly lost one third of its ice," says the glaciologist Bolivar Caceres, the head of the government's glacier and meteorology unit.
(99) Caption: Meltwater lakes and streams on the surface of an ice - east of Jakobshavns glacier, Greenland.
(100) The Ellesmere ice shelves were formed some 4, 500 years ago, composed of sea ice, accumulated snow and glacier ice up to 40 meters (131 feet) thick.
(101) It took the massive iceberg more than two decades to drift slowly out of the Ross Sea and along the coast to the Mertz Glacier in East Antarctica.
(102) Completed in 2010, the satellite-based survey took an inventory of the snow cover and glacier extent across glaciated regions of the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra River basins.
(103) An ebony mountain peak rises from a glacier on South Georgia Island.
(104) It's been a hundred years since President Taft signed the legislation creating Glacier National Park in Montana.
(105) A similar event filmed later at Greenland's Jakobshavn Glacier made the one at Columbia look small.
(106) A spelunker in a glacier cave in Greenland gazes upon colors and shapes that look more like a swirling galaxy than a cave formation.
(107) A glacier is a moving mass of snow and ice.
(108) Seen in a radar image released last week[Sentencedict], Nimrod Glacier in Antarctica resembles a fast-flowing river of molten metal.
(109) Prof Thomson began his research in the late 1980s after buying a remote plot of land and building a log cabin in a meadow full of glacier lilies.
(110) Material sources for natural gravel beaches include river input, cliff recession, seabed erosion, longshore drift, glacier rafting and human activities.
(111) Melting ice can unlock ancient secrets from the ground, as with the discovery in 1991 of "Oetzi", a 5,300-year-old warrior whose body had been preserved through the millennia inside an Alpine glacier.
(112) Researchers examining a segment of siltstone taken from ground along the Beardmore glacier in Antarctica found something unexpected. They found a fly.
(113) The grey stripe down the middle of the glacier is called a medial moraine. It is formed when two glaciers flow into each other and join on their way downhill.
(114) Water from the ocean evaporated, and become frozen in continental glacier, so they did not drain back into the ocean.
(115) Greenland and Antarctica are covered by continental glaciers. Pieces at the ocean edge of a continental glacier break off and become icebergs floating on the ocean.
(116) The glacier is moving to the ocean at 3000 feet per year and has regularly calved icebergs.
(117) The last day of Glacier School on Rainier , Mazur walked alongside Orbita, who was in pain with an injured knee and limping far behind the others.
(118) Tourism is South America's largest country, a major tourist spots scenic Bariloche, Iguazu Falls, Moreno glacier.
(119) Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador.Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.
(120) Kayakers negotiate a massive iceberg calved by the glacier that feeds Lago Grey in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park.
(121) First, we determined the acoustic emission stress of the gravel beneath the existing glacier, then compared it with the actual stress by calculation, which showed that they were nearly equal.
(122) Sunlight glints on the bearded face of Gangotri Glacier high in the Himalayas at the source of the Ganges River.
(123) Look at the walls and slopes of the Khumbu glacier [which flows 1.5 miles down from an icefall on the southern flanks of Everest].
(124) It is widely used in glaciology. we have employed GPR to detect Tianshan No. 1 Glacier and obtained some profiles which could clearly show the interface between ice and rock.
(125) The Associated Press said the drifting ice island from the Petermann glacier could threaten oil platforms and shipping.
(126) In summer, people head for Yellowstone, Glacier, the Seeley-Swan, the Selway-Bitterroot, the Bob Marshall, the Rattlesnake, the Big Hole, the Missions—wilderness in all directions.
(127) A large tabular iceberg calved from Helheim glacier on southeast Greenland.
(128) Yanert Glacier dropped ninety-one meters as a result of the surge. It is always very cold on the glaciers.
(129) 43A drop of water falls from a melting piece of ice on Argentina's Perito Moreno glacier near the city of El Calafate, in the Patagonian province of Santa Cruz, December 16, 2009.
(130) In 1985 a glacier buried this shore; since then the ice has retreated a half mile inland.
(131) Studies in Mountain Glacier Evolution and Quaternary Glacial Events. Journal of Lanzhou University ( monograph ), 1984.
(132) Such events are natural, and in fact, a similar crack is visible in the 2001 image, the last time the Pine Island Glacier calved a large iceberg.
(133) In 1985 glacier buried this shore; since then the ice has retreated a half mile inland.
(134) He is a Greenlandic sled dog and, together with a team of local huskies, we career over a mountain glacier above giant satellite dishes probing the aurora borealis.
(135) Forest Service Interpreter Larry Rickards watches a black bear walk past the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau , Alaska, US, on Sept. 6, 2007.
(136) Gorner glacier ( in the middle ) with Monte Rosa ( to the left ).
(137) Warmer conditions can send meltwater to the glacier's base, increasing lubrication and consequently glacier speed.
(138) Two meters into the glacier, most of the reds are dead.
(138) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(139) The continental shelf here is about 600 meters (2,000 feet) deep, and as the warm water from the open ocean meets the shelf, it continues to flow toward land and rises beneath the floating glacier.
(140) Modeling water mass formation in the Mertz Glacier Polynya and Ad é lie Depression, East Antarctica.
(141) Bowline - A knot frequently used for tying the middle climber onto a glacier rope team, among other uses.
(142) Jungfraujoch is the most glaciated part of the Alps, containing Europe's largest glacier and a range of classic glacial features such as U-shaped valleys, cirques, horn peaks and moraines.
(143) This time, scientists believe a sun-baked glacier is stirring up trouble.
(144) A glacier is formed by the accretion of many particles of frozen packed snow.
(145) These images, all from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)sensor on NASA's Aqua satellite, show the iceberg and glacier tongue immediately before and after the collision.
(146) The Bear Glacier in the Kenai Peninsula along the Gulf of Alaska empties into a lake.
(147) It acts as a geologic rasp , scratching , gouging and generallythe surfaces the glacier rides.
(148) Ten thousand years ago, the area of Glacier National Park was covered by ice up to one mile below sea level.
(149) We spent much of our first day walking beside the Dudh Kosi, known as the "river of milk" because glacier meltwater has turned it a lovely milky green colour.
(150) Rocks of assorted sizes and shapes are embeded in the bottom of a glacier.
(151) Mounds of rocks—moraines—mark the former extent of the glacier and hem in the lake that has formed at its terminus.
(152) They discovered that during the same 14-month period that 1.7 cubic km of water cascaded through subglacial waterways, the 75-km long glacier downstream pick up speed, moving about 10 percent faster.
(153) The Bering Glacier, about 10 km from the Gulf of Alaska, is the largest glacier in North America.
(154) Starting from the western face of Kali Himal, the Imja Glacier flows through eastern Nepal, part of a glacier network that ultimately feeds the Ganges River.
(155) Tourists of Glacier Explorer boats say the icefall caused waves of up to 3.5 meters in height which swept up and down the lake for 30 minutes.
(156) Arctic coastal state for contest glacier melt posterior ocean and submarine resource at swords' points.
(157) Formation of glacier worldwide is all related with high sea level and high latitude.
(158) It acts as a geologic rasp , scratching, gouging and generally abroding the surfaces the glacier rides.
(159) It was found that the flood, coming from the modern glacier area of the source, was caused by breaking of ice-dam and coffer-dam lakes formed by blocking of river with glacier movement.
(160) With the altitudinal increase, it appears ice, ice-snow and snow ecosystem environments, and forms the different patterns of microbial communities on glacier.
(161) On the trail to Goodnow Mountain, a yellow birch appears to be ingesting a boulder left behind by a glacier.
(162) Apparently, the formation of Mount Yulong glacier is due to its high sea level.
(163) The sensitivity coefficient of air temperature above the glacier to variation of global radiation is related well with albedo and absorbed radiation.
(164) Upsala is a large valley glacier in Argentina's Los Glaciares National Park.
(165) Gov. Palin (above, near Mendenhall Glacier, outside of Juneau) and her family live in Wasilla, about 45 miles north of Anchorage.
(166) The main influence factors leading to the changes of rivers and lakes include air temperature change, precipitation change, glacier change and climatic snow line change.
(167) The external cause was due to the influence of the Quaternary Period glacier.
(168) Five-hour glacier treks bring you up close and personal to the glacier's myriad peaks, fissures and, if you're lucky, the ice cavern the lake hollows underneath, all effusing an ethereal blue glow.




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