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单词 larder
释义  Related topics: Houselar·der /ˈlɑːdə $ ˈlɑːrdər/ noun [countable]  DHHa small room or large cupboard for storing food in a house 〔家中的〕食品贮藏室;食品贮藏柜 → pantryExamples from the Corpuslarder• More faces can easily be loaded on to a machine, like stocking a larder with exotic ingredients.• Think that crops in our fields are a free larder? 5.• And the larder was locked again.• No dead birds in the larder in springtime.• One City caterer has found a novel use for it in the larder.• It's in the larder, so the cats don't get at it.• To my relief I found there was an unopened bottle of wine in the larder.• But the fact remains: Corn is an inherent ingredient in our traditional larder.Origin larder (1200-1300) Old French lardier, from lard; → LARD1lar·der nounChineseSyllable  room Corpus storing in or small for a food cupboard large a




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