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单词 lad
释义  Related topics: Horseslad /læd/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable] British English  1  old-fashioned or informalYOUNG a boy or young man 男孩;年轻男子,小伙子 → lass a young lad 小伙子 Things were different when I was a lad. 我年轻的时候,情况可不大相同。► see thesaurus at man2  the lads spokenMAN a group of male friends that a man works with or spends his free time with 伙伴,哥们儿 a night out with the lads 和伙伴们外出的一个晚上one of the lads (=a member of your group of friends) 伙伴之一3  a bit of a lad spokenLIKE somebody OR something a man that people like even though he behaves rather badly 〔讨人喜欢的〕放荡不羁的人 That Chris is a bit of a lad, isn’t he? 那个克里斯是个花花公子,对不对?4. lad culture informal the way in which some young men behave, involving typically male activities such as drinking a lot of alcohol, driving fast cars, and watching football – used to show disapproval 男孩文化〔指某些青年男子的行为方式,如酗酒、飙车、看足球赛等;含贬义〕5. (also stable lad)DSH a boy or man who works with horses 马倌,马夫 SYN stable boy → Jack the LadExamples from the Corpusyoung lad• For a young lad, he has surprised me.• He's a young lad who was employed in the house here, living in.• A young lad, a boy; probably still an adolescent and little for his age at that.• He had been a recruit in his class, a bright young lad.• They've put together a side of young lads and journeyman pros, and that is meant as a compliment.• Hadn't he actually been elected to the State Senate - old Jack Ryan's youngest lad?• Two young lads from Hafnarfjödur, a small fishing village near Reykjavik, were going like loonies.• But Carrick has now gained an age where young lads metaphorically doff their caps and older spectators offer grudging respect.Origin lad (1200-1300) Perhaps from a Scandinavian languagelad nounChinese   Corpus man a boy or young




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