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单词 label
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Recordingldoce_190_ela·bel1 /ˈleɪbəl/ ●●● S3 W3 AWL noun [countable]  1  Da piece of paper or another material that is attached to something and gives information about it 标签,标记 → care label a luggage label 行李标签on the label It says ‘Dry clean’ on the label. 标签上写着“干洗”。 →5  See picture of label 地址标签, care label 洗涤标签, bar code label 条形码标签 ... →4  See picture of 见图 label2  CALL/DESCRIBE ASa word or phrase which is used to describe a person, group, or thing, but which is unfair or not correct 〔不公平或不正确的〕称呼,叫法;外号,绰号 Men these days have to avoid attracting the ‘sexist’ label. 如今的男人得小心避免被扣上“性别歧视”的帽子。3  TCRa record company 唱片公司 their new release on the Ace Sounds label 由Ace Sounds唱片公司为他们发行的新唱片4  designer label clothes made by fashionable companies 名牌服装 Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match. 高级的名牌服饰往往都挂着定价昂贵的价格标牌。 → own labelExamples from the Corpuslabel• Labels on clothes should be removed for kids with sensitive skin.• It was Elton John, a piano-playing singer-songwriter, who signed Sedaka to his new label.• Helios is the mid-price label published by Hyperion.• He objects to the sexist label - he doesn't think he's sexist at all.• Such labels bear a striking resemblance to advertising bill boards.• Stacy blushes at the label "father" of the institution, but admits he likes it.• At one time he was given the label "communist" for his opposition to the Vietnam war.• There are lots of companies who will take charge of this whole operation, including the printing and fixing of the labels.• Use a liquid fertilizer, following the directions on the label.• And I smelled the pungent stickiness of the glue when I pasted the labels on the matchboxes, table, and chairs.• Some consumer watchdogs are concerned that the labels on the bottles aren't clear enough.• This label reflects the apparent concentration of power in executives and the relative decline of legislatures' powers.• But those labels are broadly applied.• The group has just produced their new album on the Warner label.on the label• Fill in the form on page 18 with the same details as on the label.• It dries surprisingly quickly, and providing it's laundered as directed on the label it's relatively crease resistant.• Poultry burgers must consist of 100 percent poultry meat of the kind indicated on the label.• However, they said they were not certain the drink actually contained the ingredients on the label.• He also hopes to exploit the Burke's name by reproducing it on the labels of clarets, burgundies and champagnes.• It doesn't make a lot of sense to them to sell margarine without a name on the label.• She thought that she had bought the chicken that was pictured on the label.• My name was on the label.label2 ●○○ AWL verb (labelled, labelling British English, labeled, labeling American English) [transitive]  1  DESCRIBEto attach a label onto something or write information on something 贴标签于;用标签标明 Label the diagram clearly. 把图表标示清楚。label something sth The file was labelled ‘Top Secret’. 这份文件上标明“绝密”。label something with something Each bag of seeds is labelled with the grower’s name. 每袋种子上都标明栽培者的姓名。2  CALL/DESCRIBE ASto use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly 把…不公正地称为,给…扣帽子label somebody/something (as) something The newspapers had unjustly labelled him a troublemaker. 报界不公正地给他扣上了闹事者的帽子。5The unemployed are often unfairly labelled as lazy or unreliable.失业者常被不公正地扣上懒惰或不可信赖的帽子。n The regime was inevitably labelled as ‘communist’.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslabel• The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.• She carefully labeled each jar with its contents and the date.• She lashed out at her critics who had labelled her a bimbo.• Characteristics chosen for labelling may reflect domestic environmental priorities, and criteria used in different national schemes may vary widely.• Children who are labelled "slow" usually get less attention from teachers.• Or, for the purposes of balance, label somebody a right Osvaldo.• It urges manufacturers to label sugar on foods but stops short of demanding legislation.• Campbell has labelled the commission's recommendations as sheer nonsense.• And every writer seems to subdivide memory differently and use his own terms to label the different types.• The first and traditional conception of the company might be labelled the fiction/concession theory.• Students can be asked to draw and label the picture.• When we're ready to label them as suspects, we'll release their descriptions.• Each one was labelled with a box number and contained a large brown envelope.• Critics have unfairly labelled Young a racist.label somebody/something (as) something• None of the candidates wants to be labeled as "soft" on crime.From Longman Business Dictionarylabella‧bel1 /ˈleɪbəl/ noun [countable]1a piece of paper or cloth that is attached to something and gives information about itprice labels on goods in a supermarketRead the label carefully and follow the instructions exactly.2COMMERCEMARKETINGthe company or brand name on a productSome retailers market some goods under their own branding and some under the manufacturer’s label. → see also own-label, PRIVATE LABEL, store label → designer label3COMMERCEthe name of a record companyPhillips’ Polygram record company bought the Island label.4COMMERCEthe name of a wine-making companyThis wine from the Napa Ridge label is one of the great bargains of all time.labellabel2 verb (labelled, labelling British English, labeled, labeling) American English [transitive]1to fix a label onto something or write a description on somethingBeef producers must obey certain rules in labeling their new low-fat products.All charts, diagrams and tables should be labelled.The government forced six companies to stop labeling their processed pastas, juices and pickles as ‘fresh.’2to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, often unfairly or incorrectlyOne of the things we tend to do in organizations, unfortunately, is label people.label somebody/something (as) somethingPlastics aren’t perceived as recyclable and so are labelled as environmentally unfriendly.→ See Verb tableOrigin label1 (1200-1300) Old French “long narrow piece of cloth”la·bel1 nounlabel2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  material another Business a that or piece of Corpus paper




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