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单词 Onslaught
1, In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.
2, The town survives the onslaught of tourists every summer.
3, His strength did not avail against the hostile onslaught.
4, They survived an onslaught by tribesmen.
5, The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.
6, Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.
7, She could not withstand such a sudden onslaught.
8, Half the regiment fell before the enemy onslaught.
9, Scotland's onslaught on Wales in the second half of the match earned them a 4-1 victory.
10, The rebels responded to a military onslaught against them by launching a major assault on an army camp.
11, Could my various injuries withstand the onslaught?
12, The neighborhood service centers, however, survived the council onslaught.
13, In 471 Euric launched his first onslaught against Clermont.
14, Hsu Fu merely rocked gently at the onslaught.
15, The onslaught continued into the second half.
16, How can they survive this onslaught?
17, Moscow did not falter under the onslaught and their counter-attacking potential was a constant threat.
18, The extent of that secret onslaught needs to be put on the record.
19, In 508 Theuderic continued his father's onslaught on the Gothic south,[http:///onslaught.html] in tandem with the Burgundians.
20, It seemed to withstand the onslaught of bicycles, tricycles and roller skates with scarcely a scratch to show.
21, The other is the onslaught on the mind by mass junk entertainment.
22, Martin did well to recover from the onslaught to go a break up in the third set.
23, Hearing the onslaught of criticism, the state Department of Education is showing some signs of flexibility.
24, It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an allied onslaught for very long.
25, He praised his wife for her dignity under the onslaught of the tabloid press.
26, Supposedly tackling the question, Are men of genius irritable? it is in fact an onslaught on critics.
27, Adverse side-effects are the inevitable outcome of such an onslaught.
28, River organisms' ability to survive the disruption of floods was never evolved to withstand this kind of onslaught.
29, Now she was no longer prepared to accept this onslaught from the royal family.
30, I stayed instead in a dark, sealed room, conserving energy for the next onslaught.
1, It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an allied onslaught for very long.
2, In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.
3, The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.
4, Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.
31, So startled was he by this sudden onslaught, Ryker momentarily froze, rooted to the spot.
32, A couple of bullets split the heavy oaken door, before it shook under the onslaught of the enemy ram.
33, Hardliners reckon that without him they could not withstand a reformist onslaught for long.
34, The appointment made conservatives nervous, seemingly confirming their fears that a liberal onslaught was imminent.
35, However, this great satirical onslaught on the Royal Family came to an abrupt end.
36, Not just one hand now but two were enforcing his onslaught on her senses.
37, You turn away from the onslaught and, in so doing, remove all possibility of a strong, scoring counterattack.
38, A sustained advertising onslaught will be required for growth to continue until an expected flotation in April 2002.
39, A renewed onslaught against the mutuals seems likely, which could bring windfalls for millions of borrowers, savers and policyholders.
40, Somehow the head had survived his onslaught, which had grown desperately haphazard.
41, And would its spiritual aura survive the debasing onslaught of materialism?
42, Having survived this onslaught, Celtic gradually settled and went 2-0 ahead in 61 minutes.
43, Who was it crumbled like a piece of stale matzo under the onslaught from ben Issachar?
44, The program is expected to run short of money when an onslaught of baby boomers become eligible.
45, With the onslaught of the Industrial Revolution, the power of the jury had already been wrested from them by the judges.
46, This onslaught won financial concessions but not the decisive part in the colonization of New Zealand which the company sought.
47, Women must protect each other at all costs from the onslaught of the male, particularly from their contempt.
48, This onslaught was driven back by a police baton charge in the course of which four youths were slightly hurt.
49, Even Illich's onslaught is directed at formal schooling and not at education as such.
50, It certainly wasn't the band's strongest single to date and yet, in the commercial world, their weakest onslaught.
51, The legal question is how far the trust can be respected in the face of the onslaught of creditors.
52, The system of sharing broke under the onslaught of Western individualism.
53, The purge soon spread to an onslaught against oppositionists within the party itself.
54, No way do you feel the urge to cut and run before suffering the onslaught of hypothermia.
55, The virus opened the door for an onslaught of illnesses Pieters lists casually: hepatitis, pneumonia, shingles.
56, This mechanism, the novelist wrote, filters brain waves, protects the body from the onslaught of fear.
57, Why couldn't she hold her own under this sudden onslaught of innocuous banter?
58, Are we to assume then, that the similar onslaught on Peter Mandelson was purely for homophobic reasons?
59, Then, because of their geographical position, they were seriously weakened by the Viking onslaught down the east coast.
60, Most of them died in the onslaught which followed, their historic city completely destroyed.
61, The city was in ruins after a prolonged onslaught by enemy warplanes.
62, Fortunately, Trondur was working on the lee side of the main cabin, so he was sheltered from the onslaught.
63, For centuries it has been a buttress against the onslaught of Chaos from the wastes to the north.
64, The body of the adult human, however, can often withstand this chemical onslaught and ultimately recover fully.
65, But, from a first fierce onslaught, ambush almost, the night wore on more hard-fought games.
66, Under the experimental onslaught being marshalled, most expect the 17 keV neutrino to wither and die.
67, Tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.
68, An onslaught of third-class mail.
69, The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim.
70, But the new gadget onslaught seems the biggest ever.
71, The politician made a violent onslaught on the unions.
72, The army took the fort on the first onslaught.
73, The clash of our onslaught hurtled across the field.
74, the enemy onslaught on our military forces.
75, Morph is an ability originally seen in the _ Onslaught TM block.
76, Luckily for Britain, Angleton was able to protect us from the onslaught.
77, The Women's Death Battalion in Petrograd helped defend the siege on the Winter Palace and was among the last to surrender to the Bolshevik onslaught.
78, Optimism over President-elect Barack Obama's proposed stimulus plan has added to the more positive tone, helping the market rally in the face of an onslaught of dire economic and corporate outlooks.
79, For those precious ecosystems, ocean acidification is but one of many environmental stresses, an onslaught that includes greenhouse warming, local pollution, overfishing and habitat destruction.
80, Up to now, Obama has not responded well to this onslaught of unreason.
81, Can he single handedly lead a team surrounded by his offensive onslaught?
82, The onslaught of orders should keep aircraft manufacturers busy for some time.
83, Unaware of the coming onslaught, Bradley had only stationed the tired and understrength US 30th Infantry Division to guard the town of Mortain, which was the first objective of Operation Luttich.
84, But always, let our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.
85, Sir Alex Ferguson was predictably relieved after United survived a late Bolton onslaught to re-assume top spot in the Barclays Premier League.
86, Confinement and inactivity had chafed on the free-spirited amazon more than it had on Rem, who had been forced to sit out most of the terrible Invid onslaught on Tirol in a bunker.
87, Despite the onslaught, Palestinian militants managed to fire off rockets.
88, Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
89, Indian restaurants are holding their own against the onslaught of a growing number of alternatives and the days when people will say "I could murder a few pints and a burrito" are still far, far away.
90, Its correctness was proved afresh during the recent anti - Communist onslaught.
91, It is likely the Mississippian culture was dispersed by the onslaught of viral diseases such as smallpox that was brought by European explorers.
92, Keeping your circulatory system in working order, by, say, avoiding cigarettes and saturated fat, lessens the onslaught of age-related damage to the brain.
93, One article basically foretold the onslaught in technology trade that was to come: Japanese camera exports increased a staggering nine-fold between 1954-56.
94, Overwhelmed by the onslaught, Spaniards abandoned their homes to the insects, depopulating Santo Domingo.
95, The onslaught is meant to stop Hamas firing rockets at Israel.
96, As Pottermania strikes again with the release of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the sixth book in the series, bookshops across the county are preparing for the inevitable Potter onslaught.
97, The irresistible onslaught of the PLA sent the enemy scattering in demoralized panic - stricken groups.
98, The only way to survive the onslaught is to make the issue matter as much in the voting booth to those who agree with you as it does to those who disagree.
99, Social service agencies are scrambling to meet the onslaught of demands unfolding over the coming years.
100, The prime lesson to be taken to heart by every believer is to be ready to stand in the breach and not be intimidated by the onslaught of the enemy.
101, That power was badly eroded in 2006, when Hizballah was able to withstand the Israeli onslaught[http://], force a cease-fire and claim victory in the process.
102, Yet the relentlessness of the onslaught – following attacks on a UN office on 6 October and the army headquarters in Rawalpindi last weekend – rattled nerves.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:57:35