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单词 wow
释义  wow1 /waʊ/ ●○○ interjection informal  IMPRESSused when you think something is very impressive or surprising 呀,哇〔表示非常赞叹或惊奇〕 Wow! Look at that! 哇!看呀!Examples from the Corpuswow• Wow! That's a great car!wow2 verb [transitive]  informalIMPRESS to make people admire you a lot 使喝彩,博得…的称赞 SYN impress The show has wowed audiences all over the country. 这个节目赢得了全国观众的交口称赞。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswow• After 17 years, the band continues to wow audiences.• Read in studio Four visiting musicians from Czechoslovakia have been wowing drinkers in a local pub.• She spent many evenings watching Jamie, whose scathingly political drag show was wowing the entire circuit.• Some may even love all those silly electronic gizmos you want to wow them with.wow3 noun [singular] informal  1. SUCCESSFULa great success 极大的成功2. the wow factor informal an interesting, exciting, or unusual feature of something, that people will notice and think is very impressive 令人叫好的因素Examples from the Corpuswow• For the Cosmo Girl, life is a wow!• That one against Notre Dame, that one was a wow.Origin wow1 (1500-1600) Natural soundwow1 interjectionwow2 verbwow3 nounChinese  when very something impressive you or think Corpus used is




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