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单词 kind
释义 Word family  noun kindness ≠ unkindness adjective kind ≠ unkind kindly adverb kindly ≠ unkindly  kind1 /kaɪnd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]TYPE one of the different types of a person or thing that belong to the same group 种,类 SYN sort, typekind of They sell all kinds of things. 他们出售各种各样的东西。 The flowers attract several different kinds of insects. 这些花吸引几种不同的昆虫。 Greg was working on some kind of deal in Italy. 格雷格正在意大利做某种生意。 Get me a sandwich – any kind will do. 给我一份三明治,随便哪种都可以。2  the kind used to describe a person with a particular character, feelings, opinions etc 那一类,那种 Ted just isn’t the marrying kind. 特德就不是想结婚的那种人。 Rob isn’t the kind to worry. 罗布不是会发愁的那种人。3  somebody’s kind of person/thing/place etc the type of person, thing, place etc that someone usually likes 某人通常喜欢的人/物/地方等 It’s not my kind of place – it’s too quiet. 这不是我喜欢的地方——太安静了。4  kind of  (also kinda American English) spoken slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 有点,有几分 SYN sort of I’m kind of glad I didn’t win. 我倒是有点高兴我没有赢。 He’s kinda dumb, isn’t he? 他有点傻,是不是?5  a kind of (a) something spokenEXACT used to say that your description of something is not exact 稍稍,几分 a kind of reddish-brown color 近似红棕色6  two/three etc of a kind TYPELIKE/SIMILARtwo, three etc people or things that are very similar 属于同一类的两/三个人[事物]等 You and Joe are two of a kind. 你和乔是同一类人。7  one of a kind ONLYthe only one of a particular type of thing 唯一的,独一无二的 Each plate is handpainted and one of a kind. 每个盘子都由手工绘制,是独一无二的。8  something of the/that kind spokenLIKE/SIMILAR something similar to what was expected or talked about 类似的事情,差不多的东西 Rosa was shocked by the news, although she had suspected something of the kind might happen. 罗莎虽然怀疑可能会发生那种事情,但听到这消息还是感到震惊。9  nothing/anything of the kind spokenEMPHASIZE used to emphasize that what has been said is not true 完全不是那样 I never said anything of the kind! 我从来没说过那种话!10  of a kind BADused to say that something is not as good as it should be 名不副实的,所谓的 Elections of a kind are held, but there is only one party to vote for. 虽然举行了所谓的选举,但只有一个政党可选。11  in kind SAMEreacting to something someone has done by doing the same thing 以同样的方法,以相同的手段 After recent bombings, counter-terrorist forces could retaliate in kind. 最近的爆炸案发生过后,反恐部队可能会以牙还牙。 → payment in kind at payment(3)n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesall kinds/every kindHe’s done all kinds of work.the same kindI’d like to see you make the same kind of effort in practice that you make in the game.a different kindFossils of many different kinds have been found in this site.the right/wrong kindIt wasn’t the right kind of holiday for me.the best/worst kindNot knowing what had happened to her was the worst kind of torture.some kindCarved into the stone was some kind of design.any kindThere was no television, no radio – no technology of any kind.various kindsThe students had to read various kinds of academic materials.a certain/particular kindA ‘besom’ is a particular kind of broom.phrasesof its/their kindIt is the biggest centre of its kind.of this kindHow can we be sure a disaster of this kind will not happen again?of the worst/best etc kindThis is hypocrisy of the worst kind.what kind (of something)?What kind of milk shake would you like?that kind of thingHe usually wears trainers and jeans, that kind of a funny/strange etc kind of wayIn a funny kind of way, the bullying made me a stronger person.adverbsprecisely/exactly the kindThis was precisely the kind of help that she needed.Examples from the Corpuskind• The writer is engaged in a kind of vicarious interaction with a presumed reader and anticipates and provides for likely reactions.• He was a kind of genius, and he suffered.• Ben's not the marrying kind.• They had a few bags in the store, but they weren't the right kind.• One stumbling block can be the kind of computer you own.• There is a great deal of truth in this general argument; inequalities of this kind have been reduced.• In the past, I would have shared this kind of thing with Nick.• Then I saw the teeth marks were kind of big.• What kind of material is the box usually made of?• corruption of the worst kindkind of• I kind of borrowed the money from your wallet.• I'm kind of disappointed Grandma didn't come.• It's so kind of the Olsens to let us borrow their car.• Are you in some kind of trouble?• What kind of car is that?kind2 ●●● S3 W3 adjective (comparative kinder, superlative kindest)  1  KINDsaying or doing things that show that you care about other people and want to help them or make them happy 体贴的;亲切的;和蔼的 OPP unkind → kindly, kindnesskind to They’ve been very kind to me. 他们对我很好。 It wasn’t a very kind thing to say. 这么说可不太客气。 She’s a very kind and generous person. 她是个很和蔼大方的人。it’s kind of somebody (to do something) It’s kind of you to say that. 感谢你这么说。 It’s really kind of them to let us use their pool. 他们真好,借泳池给我们用。 We thanked the priest for his kind words. 我们对牧师亲切的话语表示感谢。 Thank you for your help. You’ve been most kind (=said when thanking someone very politely). 谢谢您的帮助,您真是太好了。thank you for your kind invitation/offer (=said when thanking someone very politely for their invitation or offer) 感谢您的盛情邀请/好意 Ms Jarvis is unable to accept your kind invitation. 贾维斯女士无法接受您的盛情邀请。n GrammarYou are kind to someone: He was kind to her. ✗Don’t say: He was kind with her.2  KINDnot causing harm or suffering 无害的;仁慈的kind to Life has been very kind to me. 生活一向待我不薄。 I need a soap that’s kinder to my skin. 我需要一种对皮肤较为温和的肥皂。 Let’s hope the weather’s kind tomorrow. 但愿明天天气好吧。3  would you be kind enough to do something/be so kind as to do something formalASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something used to make a polite request 劳驾…,劳烦您做某事好吗 Would you be kind enough to close the door, please? 劳烦关上门好吗? RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say please could you ...? or would you mind ...? because the expressions with kind can sound too formal and unfriendly: 在日常英语中,人们通常说 please could you ...? 或 would you mind ...?,因为含 kind 的表达方式显得过于正式及不友好Would you mind closing the door? 请关上门好吗?4. kind regards written used to end a formal but fairly friendly letter 谨致问候〔用于正式但相当友好的书信结尾〕 THESAURUSkind someone who is kind tries to help people and make them happy or comfortable, and shows that they care about them 友好的,体贴的They were very kind to us and let us stay in their house as long as we liked. 他们对我们很友好,让我们在他们家随便住多久。a kind old lady 一位和善的老太太a kind thing to say 善意的话nice especially spoken friendly and kind. Nice is very common in everyday spoken English and is often used instead of kind 友好的,友善的〔日常英语口语中常用 nice,而不用 kind〕Everyone has been so nice to me. 大家都对我很友好。It’s nice of you to invite me here. 你请我来这里真是客气。He seems such a nice man. 他看上去真是个好人。generous kind because you give people money, presents etc 慷慨的,大方的‘I’ll pay for the meal.’ ‘That’s very generous of you.’ “我来付饭钱。”“你真慷慨。a generous gift 丰厚的礼品considerate thinking about other people’s feelings, and careful not to do anything that will upset them 体贴的,体谅的Our neighbours are very considerate and always keep their TV turned down. 我们的邻居很体谅人,总是把电视机音量调低。a considerate driver 为人着想的司机nHe’s always very polite and considerate to his guests.thoughtful thinking of things you can do to make other people happy or feel good – used especially when someone does something such as giving someone a present or helping someone 关切的,体贴的It was thoughtful of you to send him a card. 你寄贺卡给他,真是心思周到。Some thoughtful person had taken her bag to the lost property office. 有位好心人把她的包送到了失物招领处。caring kind and wanting to help and look after people 乐于助人的,关心他人的She’s lucky to have such a loving and caring husband. 她有个这么爱她关心她的丈夫真是幸运。The British are well-known for their caring attitude toward animals. 英国人以关爱动物见称。sympathetic saying kind things to someone who has problems and behaving in a way that shows you care about them 有同情心的,同情的My boss was very sympathetic and said I should take some time off work. 老板很同情我,说我应该休息一下。She gave him a sympathetic smile. 她对他同情地一笑。good kind and showing that you want to help – used especially in the following phrases 善意的,乐于助人的〔尤用于以下短语〕It was good of you to come and see me. 你来看我真是太好了。She’s always been very good to us. 她一直对我们很好。sweet informal very kind – used especially when you like someone very much, or you are very pleased because of something they have done 好心的,善良的〔尤用于表示非常喜欢某人或对某人做的事很称心〕I was given the flowers by a sweet little old lady who lived next door. 这花是隔壁一位善良的小老太太送我的。It’s sweet of you to ask. 你来问真是好心。na sweet thing to saykind-hearted/warm-hearted especially written having a kind and friendly character, which makes other people like you 好心的,热心的He was a wonderful father, kind-hearted and always laughing. 他是个好父亲,心地善良,总是笑呵呵的。The town is full of warm-hearted, helpful people. 这镇上的居民都是乐于助人的热心肠。benevolent formal kind and wanting to help people – often used about someone who is important or who people respect 仁慈的,乐善好施的〔常用于重要或德高望重的人物〕a benevolent ruler 一位仁慈的统治者They believe in the existence of a benevolent God who will save mankind. 他们相信会有一位仁慈的上帝来拯救人类。He listened politely, like some benevolent uncle. 他彬彬有礼地听着,仿佛一位慈祥的叔叔。Examples from the Corpuskind• Even the thought of sharing a bed with him didn't seem so threatening when he was being kind.• Coronado was a far kinder conquistador than his ruthless contemporaries Pizarro and De Soto, but he was equally obsessed with gold.• There is still some, but it is kinder, gentler and rarer.• But she accepted that the Colonel was a kind man.• Everyone loved Mary. She was the kindest, most generous person in the world.• "Karen gave me a lift to the station." "That was kind of her."• That was such a kind thing to say.• He's a good brother. He's always been kind to me.• I was with them a week and they were kind to me.• She looks a little disappointed when she sees us close up but is too kind to say so.• Your great-aunt Olga was a very kind woman.kind invitation• Even by accepting Laura Danby's kind invitation, Meredith's own fiercely maintained independence could be said to have been undermined.• No offer of financial help, no kind invitations to join them in club activities were forthcoming from Charles.From Longman Business Dictionarykindkind /kaɪnd/ noun COMMERCE (a) payment/benefit in kind a method of paying someone by giving goods or services instead of moneyThe company agreed that the loan should be settledby payment in kind.A workplace nursery is not regarded as a benefit in kind, and is not counted in your income tax assessment.Origin kind1 Old English cynd kind2 Old English gecynde “natural”kind1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1kind2 adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  types different the Business one of Corpus of




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