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单词 jiggle
释义  jig·gle /ˈdʒɪɡəl/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  MOVE something OR somebodyto make something move from side to side or up and down with short quick movements, or to move like this (使)左右摇摆;(使)上下急动 She jiggled the handle of the pram to make the baby stop crying. 她晃动婴儿车的手柄想让宝宝止住哭声。 ‘Wake up, ’ he said, jiggling up and down on the bed. “醒醒吧。”他边说边在床上蹦跳。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusjiggle• The fat under her uniform jiggled.• The can jiggled and danced, as though possessed by a ghost.• He grinned, clambered to his feet and jiggled excitedly.• Occasionally the baby whimpered and she jiggled the handle of the pram until it stopped.• The computer has been taught fishing tricks: it jiggles the line to make the squid think the bait is alive.• He jiggled the object in his palm, Queeg-like.• The video camera lets you shoot from a moving car without jiggling the picture.• Use a couple of small ones as worry beads, jiggling them around in the palm of your hand.Origin jiggle (1800-1900) → JIG2jig·gle verbChineseSyllable   Corpus from something side move to make side to




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