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单词 ate
释义  ate /et, eɪt $ eɪt/ verb  EATthe past tense of eat eat的过去式Related topics: Chemistry-ate /ət, eɪt/ suffix  1  [in adjectives]XX full of or showing a particular quality 充满…的,有…特点的 affectionate (=showing love) 充满关爱的2  [in verbs]XX to make something have a particular quality 使具有某种性质 activate (=make something start working) 激活 regulate (=control something or make it regular) 控制;调节3  [in nouns]XX a group of people with particular duties 具有…职责的人 the electorate (=voters) 选民4  [in nouns]XX the job, rank, or degree of a particular type of person 职务,身份,学位 She was awarded her doctorate (=PhD). 她获授博士学位。5  [in nouns]HC a chemical salt formed from a particular acid 〔由酸形成的〕盐 phosphate 磷酸盐 —-ately /ətli/ [in adverbs] fortunately 幸运地,幸好Examples from the Corpus-ate• a doctorate• to activate• to regulate• very affectionateOrigin -ate Latin -atusate verb-ate suffixChinese  past tense Corpus the eat of




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