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单词 isolation
释义 Word family  noun isolation isolationism isolationist adjective isolated isolationist verb isolate  Related topics: Hospital, Illness & disabilityi·so·la·tion /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/ ●○○ AWL noun [uncountable]  1  FARwhen one group, person, or thing is separate from others 隔绝;孤立;分离 Because of its geographical isolation, the area developed its own unique culture. 由于地理上的隔绝,该地区发展了自己独特的文化。isolation of the isolation of rural areas 乡村地区的偏僻international/diplomatic/political isolation the country’s continuing political isolation 这个国家政治上的持续孤立in isolation The political prisoner had been held in complete isolation. 这名政治犯被完全隔离,单独监禁。 The mansion sits in splendid isolation on top of the hill (=it is far from everything and looks impressive). 宅邸位于山顶,远离尘嚣。isolation hospital/ward British English Scarlet fever victims had to go to the isolation hospital. 猩红热患者必须进隔离医院。 a patient’s isolation period 病人的隔离期2  ALONEwhen someone feels alone and unable to meet or speak to other people 孤独,孤单 Retirement can often cause feelings of isolation. 退休生活常让人感到孤独。 elderly people living in social isolation 生活在与社会隔绝状态中的老人3  in isolation (from something) ALONEif something exists or is considered in isolation, it exists or is considered separately from other things that are connected with it (从某事物中)孤立地 The future of health care cannot be considered in isolation from economic factors. 不能脱离经济因素而孤立地看待保健服务的未来。Examples from the Corpusisolation• Steamboats, railways and telegraphs broke down geographical isolation.• The years in isolation and adversity had deepened his self-knowledge and political awareness.• The lack of clear leadership was underlined by the increasing isolation of Nicholas himself.• First-year college students often experience feelings of isolation.• The island's isolation has been a major factor in preserving its beauty.• Man is so constructed that such isolation is too immense to conceive and the young cabin boy loses his rational faculties.• Very few people ever left the isolation hospital and visitors had to sit behind a glass screen.• Their very weakness, their distance from practical affairs, and their isolation made them ever more extreme.isolation hospital/ward• He wanted Asquith on a pedestal and Lloyd George in an isolation hospital.• The Board of Guardians replied that they didn't have any isolation hospital and were unable to accept liability.• This now serves, not only as guest accommodation, but also as an occasional isolation ward, study and music room.• Very few people ever left the isolation hospital and visitors had to sit behind a glass screen.• Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor took one look at her and sent her to the isolation hospital.• The isolation ward was already crowded with cases of other illnesses when the first five polio victims arrived in May.i·so·la·tion nounChineseSyllable  one thing from is or Corpus person, when separate group,




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