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fan·fic /ˈfænfɪk/ (also fan fiction or fanfiction) noun [uncountable] 1 5 stories that use characters or events from famous books, television programmes, or films, but which are written by a fan of the original book etc (= someone who likes it very much ) , not the book’s real writer 同人小说〔由爱好者撰写,人物或题材取自著名书籍、电视节目、电影等〕 Most fan fiction websites acknowledge that their authors do not own the characters involved.大多数同人小说网站都承认,作者笔下的人物并非原创。2.nstories, usually on the Internet, written by fans of a TV series, film, book etc (=people who like it a lot) about the characters that appear in itfan·fic nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable |