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单词 invalid
释义 Word family  noun validity ≠ invalidity adjective valid ≠ invalid verb validate ≠ invalidate  in·val·id1 /ɪnˈvælɪd/ ●○○ adjective  1  USE somethinga contract, ticket, claim etc that is invalid is not legally or officially acceptable 〔合约、票、所有权等〕无效的,作废的 OPP valid Without the right date stamped on it, your ticket will be invalid. 票上若没有加盖正确日期就是废票。2. WRONG/INCORRECTan argument, reason etc that is invalid is not based on true facts or clear ideas, and lacks good judgment 〔论据、理由等〕站不住脚的 OPP valid3  if something you type into a computer is invalid, the computer does not recognize or accept it 〔计算机〕不能识别的;不接受的 Filename in invalid format. 无效格式的文件名Examples from the Corpusinvalid• Ackerman said the argument was invalid.• When the council sought to evict him for non-payment of the extra rent he pleaded in defence that the resolution was invalid.• Do not detach the coupon or your ticket will be invalid.• For this reason, you can readily identify them as valid or invalid.• But the vote has been declared invalid because fewer than half the parents took part in the ballot.• The survey attempted to answer critics who have dismissed international comparisons as invalid because of differences in cultural expectations about health care.• In one attack his invalid car was stolen and smashed.• When I was a child, there was a man who came to our chapel in an invalid chair.• Mrs H described the knock at the door that woke her and her invalid husband at seven o'clock.• This passport is invalid. Look at the expiry date.• I'm afraid your ticket is invalid on this route.• As it turns out, the fears that govern such organizations derive in large part from invalid or negative core beliefs.Related topics: Illness & disabilityin·va·lid2 /ˈɪnvəliːd, -lɪd $ -lɪd/ noun [countable]  1 MIsomeone who cannot look after themselves because of illness, old age, or injury 病弱者;年迈者;伤残者 I resented being treated as an invalid. 我讨厌别人把我当病人看待。 —invalid adjective [only before noun]Examples from the Corpusinvalid• Crippled by an inmate, he faces the rest of his life as an invalid.• My father's an invalid, and needs constant care.• Barbara decided to move her invalid mother to Mississippi, so that she could look after her herself.• I pictured nocturnal gamblers crouching over their cards, sleepless lovers writing letters, nurses sitting by the beds of invalids.• His elder brother Edwin was next in succession to the baronetcy, but he was a total·va·lid3 verb invalided out (also be invalided home) phrasal verb British English PMto have to leave the army, navy etc because you are ill or injured 〔军人因病或伤而〕退役From Longman Business Dictionaryinvalidin‧val‧id /ɪnˈvælɪd/ adjective1LAW an invalid contract, agreement, document etc is not legally or officially acceptableWellcome’s patent to the drug wasruled invalid because the company didn’t invent the compound.evidence obtained using invalid warrants2not based on true facts and therefore not rightThe promotions lacked balance and madeinvalid comparisons between rival products.3COMPUTING if something that you type into a computer is invalid, the computer does not recognize or accept itThe date is in an invalid format. —invalidity noun [uncountable]The bonds are perforated with small holes to show their invalidity.Origin invalid1 (1500-1600) Latin invalidus, from validus; → VALID invalid2 (1600-1700) French invalide, from Latin invalidus; → INVALID1in·val·id1 adjectivein·va·lid2 nounin·va·lid3 verbChineseSyllable  claim Corpus a Business ticket, contract, etc is that




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