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单词 dignity
释义  dig·ni·ty /ˈdɪɡnəti/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  1  PRIDE/SELF-RESPECTthe ability to behave in a calm controlled way even in a difficult situation 庄重,尊严,体面with dignity The family faced their ordeal with dignity. 这一家人在磨难面前不失尊严。 an appearance of quiet dignity 肃穆的神态2  your dignity PRIDE/SELF-RESPECTyour sense of your own value or importance 你的自尊心retain/lose your dignity Old people need to retain their dignity and independence. 老年人需要保持自尊和独立。 Arguing was beneath her dignity (=was something she thought she was too important to do). 她觉得争吵有失体面。3  the fact of being respected or deserving respect 尊贵,尊严with dignity Patients should be allowed to die with dignity. 应该允许病人死得有尊严。 Prisoners should be treated with regard for human dignity. 对待囚犯应该考虑到人的尊严。4  PEACEFULa calm and serious quality 庄严dignity of the dignity of the occasion 这一场合的庄严5. stand on your dignity formalPRIDE/SELF-RESPECT to demand to be treated with proper respect 要求受到礼遇Examples from the Corpusdignity• Juana Alvarez was a woman of compassion and dignity.• It may lend a certain dignity to the whole transaction but is notoriously slow.• Chichester, by contrast, acquired a considerable dignity from its role as a religious centre.• Oh, no! that would be beneath her dignity.• She lost her home and all her money, but she never lost her dignity.• Penn is granted human dignity by Sarandon, the nun who gently coaxes him into his own redemption.• Both solemn and very funny, it insistently finds poetry in the projects, dignity on the street.• This was based on an explicit philosophy of preserving the dignity and independence of patients.• Lawyers must respect the dignity of the court.• Very sick people should be allowed to die with dignity.• She also was pregnant, but she bore her troubles with dignity and we all admired her very much.human dignity• And when his human dignity was gone, his innocence sullied, he felt something sharp plunge into his chest.• She was spared the trauma of dinner, the object lesson in human dignity, and the smoke of Revolution.• This belief runs counter both to demographics and to the demands of human dignity.• One is the notion of human dignity which has come to pervade modern ethical and social thought in the West.• Regulated, socialised economies trample on human dignity, despoil the natural environment and depress economic performance.• It is simply a matter of reasonable human dignity.• The real issue, they predict, will boil down to fairness and simple human dignity.• In the prison camp, it was hard to retain some human dignity.• The relationship struck at the very roots of their human dignity.Origin dignity (1100-1200) Old French dignité, from Latin dignitas “worth”, from dignus “deserving admiration”dig·ni·ty nounChineseSyllable  calm controlled ability to behave the in way Corpus a




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