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单词 intolerant
释义  in·tol·e·rant /ɪnˈtɒlərənt $ -ˈtɑː-/ adjective  1  PREJUDICEDnot willing to accept ways of thinking and behaving that are different from your own 偏执的;偏狭的;不容异己的 OPP tolerantintolerant of people who are intolerant of other people’s political beliefs 不能容忍他人政治信仰的人2  not able to take particular medicines or eat particular foods without suffering bad effects 〔对药物或食物〕过敏的,不耐受的 → allergicintolerant of A number of patients were intolerant of the diet. 有些病人对这些食物过敏。 She’s lactose-intolerant (=unable to drink particular types of milk). 她对乳糖过敏。Examples from the Corpusintolerant• The police chief has been accused of being intolerant and ignorant.• Their position on homosexuality is intolerant and ignorant.• The argument led to charges that the national organization is intolerant of dissent.• Intolerant societies are often also among the most technologically backward.intolerant of• He admitted being intolerant of blacks and Jews in his youth.• She became increasingly intolerant of various·tol·e·rant adjectiveChineseSyllable  of accept to not Corpus and thinking willing ways




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