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单词 insult
释义  in·sult1 /ɪnˈsʌlt/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  INSULTOFFENDto offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude 侮辱;冒犯 Nobody insults my family and gets away with it! 谁也别想侮辱了我的家人之后就这么算了! I hope Andy won’t be insulted if I don’t come. 如果我不来,希望安迪不要介意。insult somebody by doing something They insult us by ignoring our complaints. 他们对我们的投诉不理不睬,这是在侮辱我们。2  insult somebody’s intelligence to say or do something that suggests you think someone is stupid 侮辱某人的智商 I won’t insult your intelligence by lying. Yes, I told him. 我不想撒谎来侮辱你的智商。是,我告诉他了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinsult• They offered me $20 for a whole day's work - I felt really insulted.• Jarvis was fired for insulting a customer.• Those who invoke it are signalling an equivocal stance on slavery, at best, and thus are insulting all black people.• She went out of her way to pass near him, and he went out of his way to insult her.• Then the chief insulted him and the pony, saying the animal looked just like a mud pony.• She hadn't called him ever since she had insulted him.• You insult my intelligence with your crude methods!• questions that insult the intelligence of the interviewee• I want to insult this guy.• I won't insult you by explaining the rules of the game.• In some cultures, you insult your host if you do not accept their offer of food.insult somebody by doing something• He insulted the delegates by refusing to shake their·sult2 /ˈɪnsʌlt/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  INSULTOFFENDa remark or action that is offensive or deliberately rude 辱骂;侮辱;冒犯 She was shouting insults at her boyfriend. 她正对她的男朋友高声辱骂。 $200 for all that work? It’s an insult. 干那么多工作才给200美元?这简直是侮辱。 Their offer was so low I took it as an insult (=thought it was meant to be an insult). 他们的出价太低,我认为是一种侮辱。2  be an insult to somebody’s intelligence STUPID/NOT INTELLIGENTto offend someone by being too simple or stupid 〔因过于简单或愚蠢而〕是对某人智商的侮辱 Some advertising is an insult to our intelligence. 有些广告对我们的智商是一种侮辱。 → add insult to injury at add(8)Examples from the Corpusinsult• But the finger stayed down and, to add insult, Sri Lanka's batsmen trotted a cheeky leg bye.• Adding insult to injury, a double cross awaits our luckless hero in the final stanza.• I said something about her new hairstyle and she took it as an insult.• Gable regards this as an insult to the audience handed out by critics who consider themselves on a higher level.• Melinda Mullins -- a presence to remember -- plays the prima donna, Hilary, who tosses off an insult a minute.• You mustn't wear your shoes inside the temple -- it is a great insult.• In such a case, honest insult, based upon fact, would make us feel more comfortable.• People were hurling insults at the players as they walked off the pitch.• The longer he talked, the more insults the crowd yelled at him.• She took it as a personal insult that you did not ask her opinion about your book.• Would she scream insults, or perhaps cling on to him for grim death and beg for another chance?• Outside the pub, a drunk was shouting insults at everyone who came past.• Despite the threats, the insults, the accusations, had she thought he would never physically strike her?Origin insult1 (1500-1600) French insulter, from Latin insultare “to jump on, insult”, from saltare “to jump”in·sult1 verbin·sult2 nounChineseSyllable  saying by or to Corpus offend doing someone




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