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单词 inhospitable
释义  in·hos·pi·ta·ble /ˌɪnhɒˈspɪtəbəl $ -hɑː-/ adjective  1  BADan inhospitable place is difficult to live or stay in because the weather conditions are unpleasant or there is no shelter 〔地方〕不适宜居住的〔由于天气恶劣或缺乏遮蔽处〕 an inhospitable climate 不宜人的气候 He trekked across some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world. 他长途跋涉,穿越了世界上一些最荒凉的地带。2  UNFRIENDLYan inhospitable person does not welcome visitors in a friendly way 不殷勤待客的,不好客的inhospitable to Some governments are inhospitable to aid workers. 有些政府不欢迎救援人员。Examples from the Corpusinhospitable• Generally, the people I met in the city were rude and inhospitable.• So many tourists had visited the monastery that the monks had grown somewhat inhospitable.• inhospitable climate• The tribe has lived for generations in the inhospitable mountain regions of the country.• The brokerage firm has always been extremely inhospitable to·hos·pi·ta·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  to stay difficult Corpus an is live inhospitable or place in




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