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单词 induce
释义 Word family  noun inducement verb induce  Related topics: Birth, Medicine, Hospitalin·duce /ɪnˈdjuːs $ ɪnˈduːs/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  FORCE somebody TO DO something formal to persuade someone to do something, especially something that does not seem wise 劝诱,诱导〔尤指做似乎不明智的事〕induce somebody to do something Nothing would induce me to vote for him again. 没有什么能诱使我再投他的票了。2  MB medical to make a woman give birth to her baby, by giving her a special drug 〔用药物〕为〔产妇〕引产,催生 She had to be induced because the baby was four weeks late. 她的孩子晚了四星期仍未出生,因此要给她引产。 The doctor decided to induce labour. 医生决定引产。3  formalMCAUSE to cause a particular physical condition 诱发〔某种身体反应〕 Patients with eating disorders may use drugs to induce vomiting. 患有进食障碍的人可使用药物催吐。drug-induced/stress-induced etc a drug-induced coma 药物引起的昏迷→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinduce• a stress-induced allergy• The drug can induce anything from stomach cramps to comas.induce somebody to do something• The state advertises a great deal to induce its citizens to buy lottery tickets.• Whatever induced her to buy such an expensive car?• Many activists say that beer advertisements play a strong role in inducing teenagers to drink.induce labour• The consultant at first attempted to induce labour but discontinued it.From Longman Business Dictionaryinducein‧duce /ɪnˈdjuːsɪnˈduːs/ verb [transitive] to make someone decide to do something, perhaps something that seems unwiseinduce somebody to do somethingLower interest rates would induce customers to borrow more.→ See Verb tableOrigin induce (1300-1400) Latin inducere, from ducere “to lead”in·duce verbChineseSyllable  something, to someone do Business to especially persuade Corpus




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