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单词 indicate
释义 Word family  noun indication indicator adjective indicative verb indicate  Related topics: Motor vehiclesldoce_725_zin·di·cate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ ●●● S3 W1 AWL verb  1  [transitive]SHOW/BE A SIGN OF to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true 表明,显示indicate (that) Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary. 研究结果显示超过81%的教师对他们的薪水不满意。 Long skid marks on the pavement indicated the driver had attempted to brake. 人行道上长长的滑行痕迹表明司机曾试图车。 The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime. 研究显示贫穷和犯罪有关联。2  [transitive]EXPRESS to say or do something to make your wishes, intentions etc clear 〔说或做某事〕表明〔意向等〕 The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate. 俄国人已经表明了愿意合作的意向。 Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year. 约翰逊教授表示打算明年年底退休。indicate (that) Ralph patted the sofa to indicate that she should join him. 拉尔夫拍拍沙发,示意她坐过来。 Please indicate your preference on the booking form. 请在订单上注明你的偏好。3  [transitive]POINT AT to direct someone’s attention to something or someone, for example by pointing 指示;指出 ‘That’s her, ’ said Toby, indicating a girl on the other side of the room. “就是她。”托比指着房间另一端的一个女孩说。4  [transitive]SIGN/INDICATION to represent something 标志着,代表 Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line. 销售指标在图表中用垂直的虚线表示。5  [intransitive, transitive] British EnglishTTC to show the direction in which you intend to turn in a vehicle, using lights or your hands 〔用灯或手〕打(行车转向信号) SYN signal Don’t forget to indicate before you pull out. 变道前别忘记打转向灯。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusindicate• The Director indicated a small table, where the items were on display.• "I'd like you to meet Todd, '' he said indicating a tall man standing next to him.• Campaign finance records indicate many of the guests were donors to his own party.• This dial indicates oil pressure in the engine.• On this scale, one indicates poor quality and four indicates excellent quality.• How badly reform is needed was indicated recently by the rising youth crime figures.• They said the vote clearly indicated that Congress will approve a significant tax cut.• Research indicates that the drug can be harmful to pregnant women.• Lessons from history indicate that the most successful technologies are those that make their mark socially.• These physical effects of withdrawal indicate that the physical body craves for more of the drug and that it is physiologically addicted.• "Shall we go in here?'' Calvin indicated the cafe.• He indicated the chair near his desk and I sat down.• The pupils has to indicate the direction and intensity of the association.• Sometimes, these are fine monuments with letters or numbers carved on them indicating the names of particular parishes or estates.• Sometimes the pronunciation of the phonetic element correctly indicates the pronunciation of the whole character except for tone.• As many as 10 women have indicated they may run for the Senate in Texas.• "That's my boss, '' he said, indicating with a nod of his head.• None indicates, with any assurance, that it has any possible prenatal application...• The temperature gauge indicated zero.indicate (that)• In conclusion, one may say the Titan-Dionysos myth indicates a form of anthropological dualism in Orphism.• The latest figures indicate companies are beginning to rehire.• The text indicates how we are to treat, how we are to apply, the figure.• He indicated it was from some type of law-enforcement-related person, but he did not specify the individual.• As in the sterling markets, EuroCDs are tradable certificates indicating ownership of a fixed-term deposit.• Mr Bunea indicated that it was getting late and we should not camp but stay in their home.• But it indicates that the idea of allergies affecting the mind - and viceversa - is not implausible.• Such statements, though frequently unjustified, indicate the extent to which rhetoric of this kind had become widely acceptable.indicate (that)• In conclusion, one may say the Titan-Dionysos myth indicates a form of anthropological dualism in Orphism.• The latest figures indicate companies are beginning to rehire.• The text indicates how we are to treat, how we are to apply, the figure.• He indicated it was from some type of law-enforcement-related person, but he did not specify the individual.• As in the sterling markets, EuroCDs are tradable certificates indicating ownership of a fixed-term deposit.• Mr Bunea indicated that it was getting late and we should not camp but stay in their home.• But it indicates that the idea of allergies affecting the mind - and viceversa - is not implausible.• Such statements, though frequently unjustified, indicate the extent to which rhetoric of this kind had become widely acceptable.Origin indicate (1600-1700) Latin past participle of indicare, from dicare “to say publicly or officially”in·di·cate verb →5 FREQUENCY1ChineseSyllable   Corpus a situation particular that to show




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