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单词 incumbency
释义  Related topics: Officialsin·cum·ben·cy /ɪnˈkʌmbənsi/ noun (plural incumbencies) [countable usually singular, uncountable] formal  PGOBECthe state of holding an official position, especially in politics, or the time when someone holds an official position 〔尤指政治职位的〕任职;任期Examples from the Corpusincumbency• Bryan said gubernatorial incumbency can be both an advantage and liability when running for the Senate.• In his present incumbency he takes a company into its twelfth season this spring looking remarkably solid and healthy.• Frankly, this is where the power of the incumbency is strong.• This attitude is long-standing and transcends party lines, having more to do with incumbency than·cum·ben·cy nounChineseSyllable  especially the official of holding position, state an Corpus in




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