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单词 Incorporated
释义  Related topics: CompaniesIn·cor·po·rat·ed /ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪtɪd $ -ɔːr-/ AWL adjective (written abbreviation Inc.)  used after the name of a company in the US to show that it has become a corporation 股份有限的〔在美国用于公司名称后,表示成为法人组织〕BBC → limitedExamples from the CorpusIncorporated• Each type of wave attracted a different noun, and the nouns incorporated adjectives, verbs, whole narratives.• Landscape, pasture, workplaces and cemetery are all incorporated and can be experienced from the abbey garden.• Its main use, therefore, is for the issue of advertisements to incorporated companies of a reasonable size.• The result is a permanent war establishment run by a privately incorporated economy operating within a political vacuum.• Only eight districts had a computerised information system that incorporated information from assessments.• The amount of incorporated label was measured by scintillation counting.• The plants are then supplied with an incorporated maintenance programme.• As an incorporated vehicle, it would ring-fence past claims from new capital-providers.From Longman Business DictionaryIncorporatedIn‧cor‧po‧ra‧ted /ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪtəd-ɔːr-/ abbreviation Inc adjective American EnglishCOMMERCE used after the name of a company in the US to show that it is a CORPORATIONIn·cor·po·rat·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  of Business name the after Corpus used a company




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