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单词 income
释义  in·come /ˈɪŋkʌm, ˈɪn-/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [countable, uncountable]  EARNthe money that you earn from your work or that you receive from investments, the government etc 〔工作的〕收入;〔投资的〕收益 → salaryon an income People on higher incomes should pay more tax. 高收入者应该多缴税。income from income from savings and pensions 来自储蓄和养老金的收入 low-income families 低收入家庭► see thesaurus at salary → private income, unearned income at unearned COLLOCATIONSverbshave an income (also receive an income formal) 有收入We have an income of over $100,000 a year. 我们每年有10万美元以上的收入。provide an income 提供收入The properties he rented out provided him with an income. 他出租的房产给他提供了一份收入。generate an income (=provide one) 产生收益He decided to invest the money to generate an income for the future. 他决定投资这笔钱,以便将来产生收益。increase your income 增加收入She took on extra work to increase her income. 她另打一份工来增加收入。supplement/add to your income (=increase your income, for example by doing an extra job) 增加收入Ted supplemented his income by doing part-time work in the evenings. 特德晚上打零工来增加收入。somebody’s income rises/increases/goes up 某人的收入增加They saw their income rise considerably over the next few years. 在接下来的几年里,他们看到自己的收入大幅增加。somebody’s income falls/goes down 某人的收入减少nAverage income fell by one third during this period.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + incomea high/large income 高收入He has a relatively high income. 他收入较高。a low/small income 低收入Rent takes a large chunk of their small income. 租金占了他们微薄收入中的大部分。somebody’s annual income 某人的年收入Brian’s annual income is around £43,000. 布赖恩的年收入约 43,000 英镑。the average income 平均收入The report compares average incomes across different European countries. 报告比较了欧洲不同国家的平均收入。the national income (=the income of a country) 国民收入A large proportion of the national income comes from food exports. 国民收入的很大一部分来自食品出口。family/household income 家庭收入She works in a shop to supplement the family income. 她在一家商店工作以补贴家用。disposable income (=your income after tax and necessary bills have been paid) 可支配收入People spend a high proportion of their disposable income running a car. 人们把可支配收入中的很大一部分用于养车。gross income (=income before you have paid tax) (扣税前)总收入nThe family’s gross income has increased by 5% this income (=income after you have paid tax) (扣税后)净收入nHe was left with a net income of just £80 per week.taxable income (=the part of your income on which you pay tax) 应税收入nMoney received in rent is included as part of your taxable income.a joint income (=that two or more people have) 共同收入nBetween them they have a joint income of less than £20,000.somebody's personal income 某人的个人收入nAverage personal incomes rose by about 5% last year.ninvestment income (=income from investments)You will be taxed on your investment income.income + NOUNan income level/group 收入水平/人群The tax rate rises with the individual’s income level. 税率随个人收入水平提高。an income bracket (=income level) 收入等级In general, people in higher income brackets live longer. 一般来说收入等级越高的人寿命越长。income tax (=tax that you pay on your income) 所得税nThe standard rate of income tax is to be cut by 0.5%.incomes policy British English (=government controls on wages) 收入政策nGovernment control of the economy must include an effective incomes policy.phrasesa source of income 收入来源His pension was his only source of income. 养老金是他唯一的收入来源。loss of income 收入损失You can buy insurance to protect you against loss of income if you are ill. 你可购买保险以防生病时的收入损失。Examples from the Corpusincome• Others gain an income from a team of supporters not necessarily in their new church.• Experts also say the clearance rates are most useful when comparing communities that are similar in size and income level.• The average annual income in Hong Kong is now much higher than it was in 1994.• Braund's annual income is just over $40,000.• Richard has a comfortable income from his salary and his investments.• Writing tops up his income and finances the rare fish projects.• I'd love to know what his income is. He has so many new clothes and such an expensive car.• The optimal size of stabilization policy depends upon the coefficient of correlation between the policy and the original fluctuations in income.• Life-chances include income, perks and pensions, together with less tangible benefits such as security or good working conditions.• The provision restricting investment income was also thought to be of dubious constitutionality.• Couples with joint incomes over $50,000 are the fastest growing segment of the housing market.• If you are on a low income, you may be entitled to free dental treatment.• Families on low incomes are eligible for state benefits.• The whole family survives on the mother's monthly income of less than £500.• We knew we'd need another source of income if we were planning to have a big family.• She receives a regular income from the investments she made twenty years ago.• Columns 1 and 2 of Table 8-2 portray the mechanics of the income tax for a married couple filing a joint return.• Automobile workers had doubled their incomes and expanded their skills.• The amount of tax you have to pay depends on your income.From Longman Business Dictionaryincomein‧come /ˈɪŋkʌm, ˈɪn-/ noun1[countable, uncountable] money that you earn from your job or that you receive from investmentsThe family pays more than 50% of its income in rent.Transferring interest from a deposit account can provide you with a regular income from your savings.People on low incomes will be getting some help to pay their fuel bills. → accrued income → annual income → deferred income → discretionary income → disposable income → earned income2ACCOUNTINGmoney that a company makes from its activities, after taking away some costs. Companies calculate their income in different ways according to the ACCOUNTING SYSTEM they use and the type of business they are inThe casino reported income of $21.8 million on revenue of $269 million. → adjusted gross income → fixed income → gross income → investment income → money income → national income → net income → operating income → per-capita income → personal income → premium income → private income → psychic income → real income → taxable income → tax-exempt income → unearned income → unreported incomein·come noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  money Corpus work or earn your the that Business you from




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