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单词 injury
释义 Word family  noun injury the injured adjective injured ≠ uninjured injurious verb injure  in·ju·ry /ˈɪndʒəri/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL noun (plural injuries)  1  [countable, uncountable]INJURE a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack 〔身体上的〕伤,损害 She was taken to hospital with serious head injuries. 她头部受重伤被送到医院。injury to The driver of the truck suffered injuries to his legs and arms. 卡车司机的腿和手臂受了伤。 Beckham has missed several games through injury (=because of injury). 贝克汉姆因伤错过了几场比赛。 He’s a lawyer who specializes in personal injury claims. 他是个专门从事人身伤害索赔的律师。2  [uncountable] law damage to someone’s reputation, career, or feelings 〔对某人名誉、事业或情感的〕伤害,损害injury to He says that the allegations caused serious injury to his reputation. 他说那些指控使他的名誉受到了严重损害。 → add insult to injury at add(8) COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + injuryserious 严重的The injury wasn’t serious. 伤势并不严重。terrible (=very bad) 很严重的Some of the victims suffered terrible injuries. 有些受害者伤势很严重。fatal (=that kills someone) 致命的Fortunately, his injuries weren’t fatal. 幸运的是他的伤并不致命。minor 轻微的A man was treated in hospital for minor injuries. 一名男子受了轻伤在医院治疗。permanent 永久性的The brain can be affected by permanent injury after a serious accident. 严重事故可能对大脑造成永久性伤害。a nasty injury (=quite bad) 严重伤害Fairground rides can cause some nasty injuries. 在游乐场乘过山车等可能造成严重的伤害。a head/leg/shoulder etc injury 头部/腿部/肩部等受伤He suffered a shoulder injury while playing rugby. 他打橄榄球时伤了肩部。a spinal injury (=an injury to the spine) 脊柱受伤nThe injured boy is being treated for a spinal injury.a facial injury (=an injury to the face) 面部受伤nI was offered treatment for my facial injuries.a sports injury (=one you get while doing sport) 体育运动时受的伤nShe has vast knowledge of treating sports industrial injury (=one that happens at work) 工伤nHe was the victim of an industrial injury.internal injuries (=injuries inside your body) 内伤nHe was coughing blood, a sign that he had internal injuries.multiple injuries (=large number of injuries at the same time) 多处受伤,多发损伤nShe had multiple injuries and a fractured skull.verbshave an injury 受伤Tom was OK, and had just a few minor injuries. 汤姆没事,只是受了点轻伤。suffer an injury 受伤He suffered a serious leg injury in a motorcycle accident. 他在一起摩托车事故中腿部受了重伤。get an injury informal (=suffer an injury) 受伤He couldn’t take the chance of getting an injury. 他不能冒受伤的危险。sustain/receive an injury formal (=suffer an injury) 受伤She sustained an injury to her hip. 她臀部受了伤。treat an injury 疗伤The injury was treated at the local hospital. 伤是在当地那家医院治疗的。recover from an injury 伤愈It took her six months to recover from the injury. 她的伤经过六个月才康复。escape/avoid injury 避免受伤Two workmen narrowly escaped injury when a wall collapsed. 一堵墙倒塌时两名工人险些被砸到。cause an injury 造成伤害The injury was caused by flying glass from the car windscreen. 伤是由小汽车挡风玻璃飞出的碎片造成的。inflict an injury on somebody formal (=make someone have an injury) 对某人造成伤害Jenkins was accused of inflicting a head injury on one of his former colleagues. 詹金斯被指控打伤以前同事的头部。do yourself an injury British English informal (=accidentally hurt yourself) (不小心)弄伤自己Be careful with that knife or you’ll do yourself an injury. 当心那把小刀,别把自己弄伤了。an injury happens/occurs 伤害发生The injury occurred five minutes into the game. 受伤在比赛开始五分钟后发生。phrasesbe prone to injury (=often get injuries) 容易受伤She was rather prone to injury and often missed matches as a result. 她很容易受伤,结果常常无法参加比赛。injury + NOUNinjury problems British English: 伤患问题He suffered injury problems throughout his career as a footballer. 他整个足球职业生涯中都受到伤患的困扰。 THESAURUSinjury damage to part of your body caused by an accident or an attack 〔意外事故或袭击造成的〕伤,损伤The passengers were taken to hospital with minor injuries. 乘客受了轻伤,被送往医院。wound an injury, especially a deep cut in your skin made by a knife, bullet, or bomb 〔尤指刀、枪或炸弹造成的深入皮肤的〕伤,创伤He died of a gunshot wound to the head. 他死于头部的枪伤。cut a small injury made when a sharp object cuts your skin 〔皮肤轻微的〕割伤Blood was running from a cut on his chin. 血从他下巴的伤口流出。bruise a dark mark on your skin that you get when you fall or get hit 青瘀,伤痕Jack often comes home from playing rugby covered in bruises. 杰克打完橄榄球回家常常身上到处青一块紫一块的。graze/scrape a small injury that marks your skin or breaks the surface slightly 擦伤She fell off her bike and got a few grazes on her legs and knees. 她从自行车上摔下来,腿和膝盖有几处擦伤。gash a long deep cut 长而深的切口He had a deep gash across his forehead. 他额头上有条长而深的切口。bump an area of skin that is swollen because you have hit it against something 肿块How did you get that bump on your head? 你头上怎么起了个包?sprain an injury to your ankle, wrist, knee etc, caused by suddenly twisting it 扭伤It’s a slight sprain – you should rest your ankle for a week. 这属于轻微扭伤,你要让脚踝休息一周。strain an injury to a muscle caused by stretching it or using it too much 〔肌肉的〕拉伤,扭伤a muscle strain in his neck 他颈部的一处肌肉拉伤fracture a crack or broken part in a bone 骨折,骨裂a hip fracture 髋骨骨折Examples from the Corpusinjury• Morrison had to undergo surgery on an injury to his left knee.• The policy covers injury suffered on the job.• Ten passengers were lucky to escape injury when their train was derailed last night.• The glass roof collapsed onto the crowd, causing horrific injuries.• Unfortunately, she had to withdraw from the game because of a leg injury.• Our insurance provides cover in the case of illness or injury.• Wearing a helmet may protect you from serious injury.• He suffered serious injuries in the car crash, and died on the way to hospital.From Longman Business Dictionaryinjuryin‧ju‧ry /ˈɪndʒəri/ noun (plural injuries) [countable, uncountable]1physical harm to a person, for example in an accidentMr. Lewis was awarded $75,000 as compensation for injuries suffered in the accident.absence from work due to illness or injury → criminal injury → industrial injury → personal injury → repetitive strain injury → work-related injury2when a person or organization is made to suffer in some wayinjury toDonovan claimed he suffered serious injury to his professional and personal reputation.Origin injury (1300-1400) Latin injuria, from jus “right, law”in·ju·ry noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business or a of damage body to wound part your Corpus




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