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单词 inaccurate
释义 Word family  noun accuracy ≠ inaccuracy adjective accurate ≠ inaccurate adverb accurately ≠ inaccurately  in·ac·cu·rate /ɪnˈækjərət/ ●○○ AWL adjective  WRONG/INCORRECTnot completely correct 不完全准确的 OPP accurate A lot of what has been written about him is inaccurate. 关于他的文字描述有大量失实之处。inaccurate information/data etc He was fined $300,000 for making inaccurate statements to Congress. 他对国会发表失实的陈述,被罚款30万美元。► see thesaurus at wrong —inaccurately adverbExamples from the Corpusinaccurate• Unfortunately, his quotations are often taken out of context and are sometimes inaccurate.• Figures quoted in the article are wildly inaccurate.• TV ratings figures are often inaccurate.• It turns out that he used a translation that modern translators judge to have been inaccurate.• As I have implied, many of Durkheim's conclusions are tautological or based upon inaccurate assumptions and evidence.• They say the survey is inaccurate because it is based on incorrect figures that the Prime Minister gave to parliament this year.• The inaccurate information given by all these busybodies didn't help at all.• Some of the information provided was inaccurate or incomplete.• The old maps were usually inaccurate or incomplete.• an inaccurate pass• Although inaccurate statements sometimes are found, Love said no one has yet been convicted of deliberate falsification.inaccurate information/data etc• In other words, no information is better than inaccurate information.• This factor would yield inaccurate data.• We now accept that the report was based upon inaccurate information and conveyed completely the wrong impression about Linford.• If these conditions are met, then the inaccurate data does not breach this principle.• The inaccurate information given by all these busybodies didn't help at all.• Most of them are usually based on inaccurate information that we have gathered about people.• The speaker in December admitted to having provided inaccurate information to the ethics·ac·cu·rate adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus not completely correct




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