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单词 preternatural
释义  pre·ter·nat·u·ral /ˌpriːtəˈnætʃərəl◂ $ -tər-/ adjective formal  1  UNUSUALbeyond what is usual or normal 超乎寻常的,异常的 He felt possessed of a preternatural strength and fearlessness. 他感到自己拥有异乎寻常的力量和勇气。2  MYSTERIOUSstrange, mysterious, and unnatural 奇特的;神秘的;超自然的 the preternatural green light 神秘的绿光 —preternaturally adverb The town was preternaturally quiet. 小镇异常安静。Examples from the Corpuspreternatural• The story emphasizes the heroine's preternatural beauty.• It loomed over him chuckling with preternatural malice.• As she sat there, she experienced a sense of what seemed to be preternatural power.• But I was one now, fused for a preternatural purpose.• Autumn was here, on the heels of a mutilated summer, and it had arrived with preternatural speed.• a preternatural spiritOrigin preternatural (1500-1600) Medieval Latin praeternaturalis, from Latin praeter naturam “beyond nature”pre·ter·nat·u·ral adjectiveChineseSyllable  or is usual Corpus normal what beyond




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