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单词 improvement
释义 Word family  noun improvement adjective improved verb improve  im·prove·ment /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]IMPROVE the act of improving something, or the state of being improved 改善,改进,提高improvement in/on/to There’s been a big improvement in the children’s behaviour. 孩子们的行为举止有了很大的进步。 an improvement on earlier models 对较早一批型号的改进 We need to carry out some improvements to the system. 我们需要对系统进行一些改进。 Our results have shown some improvement this month. 我们的成绩这个月有所提高。2  [countable]IMPROVE a change or addition that improves something 改进之处 Are you making some improvements to your home? 你在改善家里的居住条件吗? COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsbe an improvement (on something) (比某事物)有改进This version of the software is a clear improvement on its predecessor. 该软件的这个版本比原先的版本有了明显的 改进。see/notice an improvement 有改进After taking the tablets, he noticed some improvement in his energy levels. 服药后他感觉体力有些恢复。show an improvement 显示出改进The sales figures show a major improvement. 销售数据呈现大幅增长。represent an improvement (=be an improvement) 表明有改进A pre-tax profit of 4.3 million pounds represents a 5% improvement on last year. 430万英镑的税前利润意味着比去年增加5%。adjectivesa big improvement 很大的改善The situation today is a big improvement on the 1980s. 如今的情况比起20世纪80年代有了很大的改善。a great/vast/major improvement (=very big) 重大的改进The new computer system was a vast improvement. 这套新的计算机系统有了重大改进。a dramatic improvement (=very big and quick) 巨大而迅速的改善With the new treatment we saw a dramatic improvement in his condition. 采用新的治疗方法之后,我们看到他的病情在短时间内有了极大的好转。a significant/substantial/considerable improvement (=quite big) 相当大的改善There has been a considerable improvement in trading conditions. 贸易状况有了相当大的改善。a marked/noticeable improvement (=that people can notice) 明显的提高Joanna's work showed a marked improvement. 乔安娜的工作有了显著的改进。a slight improvement 少量的改善Sales figures have shown a slight improvement this month. 销售数据本月有些微增长。a gradual improvement 逐步的改进nThere has been a gradual improvement in educational standards.a general improvement 总体上的改进nThere has been a general improvement in the standard of living.a continuous/steady improvement (=happening slowly and gradually) 持续的/稳步的提高nThe following two seasons saw a steady improvement in the team's performance.further improvement (=more improvement) 进一步的改善nWe feel there is room for further improvement.phrasessigns of improvement 改善的迹象The patient is showing signs of improvement. 病人出现康复的迹象。room for improvement (=the possibility that something could be done better) 改进的余地There's room for improvement in the way the tickets are sold. 售票方式尚有改进的余地。Examples from the Corpusimprovement• Have you noticed any improvement in his work?• These behavioral improvements occur only if the correct location is destroyed, not if the lesion is made nearby.• Three months later, the District Court adopted a plan requiring $ 187,450,334 in further capital improvements.• Continuing improvement in the United States.• Design improvements in the computer system have greatly increased our efficiency.• There's been a great improvement in the team's performance over the last three games.• home improvements• Councillors also expressed their support for proposed improvements to the tennis club facilities.• Information systems are introducing similar quality improvement programs to link information systems with basic business needs.• Accidents have become less frequent, thanks to recent improvements in our safety checks.• You'll see that there's been a remarkable improvement in recent weeks.• I'm afraid if you don't show some improvement soon we won't be entering you for the exam.• We had to borrow money to pay for all the improvements to our home.• It reviews current practices and offers suggestions for their improvement through the development of affirmative assessment.• This improvement in standards can only be put down to cellar training.improvement in/on/to• There will be improvements in logical design and in programming technique.• Similar trends in reservoir quality are noted with a detectable improvement in reservoir quality towards the basin flank.• In the past, other things being equal, improvement in a man's income removed obstacles to marriage.• For example, you shouldn't set a goal for a 10-minute improvement in the 10K.• The approach encourages both manual and technological improvements to be considered.• When the parents saw for themselves the improvement in their children, their own prejudices were overcome.• All had to prepare a Development Plan describing five years' improvement to bring about secondary education for all.From Longman Business Dictionaryimprovementim‧prove‧ment /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ noun [countable, uncountable] the act or state of getting betterimprovement inCanandaigua Wine Co reported a 70% improvement in net income for the third quarter.An economist said he was optimistic that September sales will show an improvement. → continuous improvementim·prove·ment noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  improving or 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