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单词 imponderable
释义  im·pon·der·a·ble /ɪmˈpɒndərəbəl $ -ˈpɑːn-/ noun [countable usually plural] formal  JUDGEsomething that cannot be exactly measured, judged, or calculated 无法精确估量的事物;难以判断的事物 There are too many imponderables to make an accurate prediction. 有太多无法判断的因素,因此很难作出准确的预测。 —imponderable adjective an imponderable question 难以判断的问题Examples from the Corpusimponderable• How all this underaged precocity impacts his initial take-home is an imponderable.• The greatest imponderable may be the personal impact the humiliation of the ethics case has brought.• In spite of a host of imponderables it is possible to speculate on the composition of some of the smaller properties.• Whether it translates into practice depends on a number of imponderables.• There are still some imponderables in this situation, starting with the Coliseum itself.• In addition to the daily little worries, these were the sweeping imponderables that held their attention.• That's another of the imponderables, of course.• The Sandys doctrine was a crystallization of the imponderables of the early years of the nuclear·pon·der·a·ble nounChineseSyllable  that something Corpus cannot judged, be measured, exactly or




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