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单词 ceaseless
释义 Word family  noun cessation cease adjective ceaseless verb cease adverb ceaselessly  cease·less /ˈsiːsləs/ adjective  LONG TIMEhappening for a long time without stopping 不停的,持续的,不断的 the ceaseless fight against crime 对犯罪的持续打击 —ceaselessly adverb The men worked ceaselessly through the night. 这些人彻夜不停地工作。Examples from the Corpusceaseless• The only man who had ever wholly captured her imagination in a lifetime of meetings and travel and ceaseless activity.• the ceaseless Arctic wind• The ceaseless deluge had turned the small front yard of the cottage into a swamp.• Critics had the opportunity to write poetically of the ceaseless, easy flow of rivers and this one in particular.• It is constant and ceaseless in the vast majority of us, as uncritical self-observation will soon reveal.• His hands windmill in a frenetic semaphore and his body shifts in ceaseless motion, with a life of its own.• Why can't people understand what a fantastic achievement two-and-a-half years of ceasefire has been, given the ceaseless provocation?• He lay there, frozen as a mullet, listening to the ceaseless roar of the wind.• There are volcanoes and fault lines and a ceaseless tremor of activity.cease·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  stopping a Corpus without long happening time for




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