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单词 install
释义  Related topics: Technology, Computersin·stall /ɪnˈstɔːl $ -ˈstɒːl/ ●●○ W3 verb [transitive]  1  TPUTto put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that it is ready to be used 安装,设置〔设备〕 They’ve installed the new computer network at last. 他们终于安装了新电脑网络。 Security cameras have been installed in the city centre. 在市中心已安装了一些监控摄像机。2  to add new software to a computer so that it is ready to be used 给〔计算机〕安装〔新软件〕 OPP uninstall We’ve installed new anti-virus software. 我们已经安装了新的杀毒软件。3  BOPUT formal to put someone in an important job or position, especially with a ceremony 〔尤指通过仪式〕任命,使就职 Churchill was installed as Chancellor of the university. 丘吉尔被任命为那所大学的名誉校长。4. install yourself in/at etc USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TOto settle somewhere as if you are going to stay for a long time 〔打算逗留很长一段时间〕把自己安顿[安置]在〔某地〕n THESAURUSinstall to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that it is ready to be usedThe company is installing a new computer system.How much does it cost to install central heating?put in to install something. Put in is more common in everyday English than install and is used especially about things that are not very complicated to installThe workmen are coming to put the new windows in today.They removed the bath and put in a shower to put a new part or piece of equipment into or onto somethingI had to fit new locks after the burglary.All vehicles must have seat belts fitted.lay to put cables or a carpet in the correct place on the groundWork on laying the telephone cables has not yet begun.Two workmen were laying carpet tiles in the kitchen.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinstall• The company is installing a new computer system.• Crime has dropped since the video cameras were installed in the town centre.• Lights were installed under the upper cabinets to illuminate the counter tops.From Longman Business Dictionaryinstallin‧stall /ɪnˈstɔːl-ˈstɒːl/ verb (past tense and past participle installed, present participle installing) [transitive]1to put equipment into a place and connect it so that it is ready to useThey help install and operate big computer systems.2COMPUTING to copy a program onto a computer so that it is ready to useTo protect yourself against hacking, install a firewall program.3to give someone an important job or positionUnited Technologies installed senior environmental officers in each division.→ See Verb tableOrigin install (1400-1500) Old French installer, from Medieval Latin, from stallum “stall”in·stall verb →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to a piece somewhere equipment and Business put of Corpus




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