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单词 ICU
释义  ICU /ˌaɪ siː ˈjuː/ noun [countable]  (intensive care unit) a department in a hospital that gives special attention and treatment to people who are very sick or badly injured 重症监护病房,特护病房,加护病房Examples from the CorpusICU• In the first ICU the patient is correctly diagnosed and treated to correct the physiological variables.• Strategies identified from role-play exercise to promote successful transfer of patients from ICU to ward.• It could be argued that a poorly performing ICU is unlikely to occur in isolation.• The second ICU, in allowing the patient to deteriorate, has performed less well.• He missed the high staff: patient ratio that he had enjoyed in the ICU.• He was admitted to the ICU shortly after receiving plasma-exchange treatment.• The primary reason for admission to ICU is chosen from a number of diagnoses.ICU nounChinese  in gives department special a a that Corpus hospital attention




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