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单词 hypodermic
释义  Related topics: Hospitalhy·po·der·mic1 /ˌhaɪpəˈdɜːmɪk◂ $ -ɜːr-/ noun [countable]  MHan instrument with a very thin hollow needle used for putting drugs directly into the body through the skin 皮下注射器 SYN syringeExamples from the Corpushypodermic• Much of it looks engagingly olde-worlde: cameras disguised as tree branches and hypodermics fitted inside fountain pens.• A few days later I found some use-them-once plastic hypodermics in the medicine cabinet.Related topics: Hospitalhypodermic2 adjective  MHused to give an injection beneath the skin 用于皮下注射的 a hypodermic needle 皮下注射器针头5 a hypodermic injection (= given under the skin )皮下注射Examples from the Corpushypodermic• Sunday is a hypodermic dose to the zeks.• A little extra pressure and I would be able to fish it out with the hypodermic needle I had poised ready.• She had asked for more antibiotics, some hypodermic needles, and a lot of sterile dressings.• Officers found used hypodermic needles in a trailer in the backyard next to an infant car seat.• Examinations involving the use of a hypodermic syringe, the administration of a drug or exploratory operations were ruled out.• The mouth yawned open.Canines and incisors were long sharp fangs, the canines hollow like hypodermic syringes carved of ivory.• They may use hypodermic syringes to inject the drug into their bloodstream.Origin hypodermic2 (1800-1900) hypo- + Greek derma “skin”hy·po·der·mic1 nounhypodermic2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  thin instrument a an very needle with Corpus hollow




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