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单词 ashamed
释义 Word family  noun shame shamefulness shamelessness adjective ashamed ≠ unashamed shameful shameless verb shame adverb shamefully ≠ shamelessly  a·shamed /əˈʃeɪmd/ ●●○ S3 adjective [not before noun]  1  ASHAMEDfeeling very sorry and embarrassed because of something you have done 〔因自己所做的事而〕羞耻的;内疚的;惭愧的ashamed of/at I felt ashamed of the things I’d said to him. 我为对他所说的话感到羞愧。be ashamed to do something I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never read any of his books. 我真不好意思承认,我从来没读过他的书。ashamed that She felt ashamed that she had missed her sister’s wedding. 她没能参加姐姐的婚礼,觉得很内疚。deeply/bitterly/thoroughly ashamed Alan was deeply ashamed when he remembered what he’d said. 艾伦想起自己说过的话就羞愧不已。 Everyone cries sometimes – it’s nothing to be ashamed of. 每个人都会有哭的时候——没什么好难为情的。be/feel ashamed of yourself You should be ashamed of yourself. 你该为自己感到惭愧。2  EMBARRASSEDfeeling uncomfortable because someone does something that embarrasses you 〔因别人所做的事而〕感到不好意思的,难为情的ashamed of Many children feel ashamed of their parents. 许多孩子会因为自己的父母感到难为情。ashamed to be/do something Their behaviour makes me ashamed to be British. 他们的行为使我身为英国人感到汗颜。n GRAMMAR: Comparisonashamed• You feel ashamed of something or someone: She was ashamed of her behaviour. You should be ashamed of yourself!embarrassed• You feel embarrassed by something or someone: I was embarrassed by the fact that I knew nothing about cars.Minna felt embarrassed by her parents.• You feel embarrassed about something: He was clearly embarrassed about what had happened. THESAURUSashamed [not before noun] feeling very sorry and embarrassed because of something you have done, or someone connected with you has done 〔因自己所做的事而〕羞耻的;〔因与自己有关的人所做的事而〕不好意思的,难为情的You should be ashamed of yourself. 你该为自己感到难为情。She felt deeply ashamed of her son’s behaviour. 她为儿子的行为感到深深羞愧。humiliated [not before noun] very ashamed and upset, because someone has made you look weak or stupid, especially in front of other people 〔因在人前出丑或丧失尊严而〕感到羞辱的,感到难堪的I came out of the class feeling humiliated. 我从教室里走出来,感到很丢脸。mortified /ˈmɔːtɪfaɪd $ ˈmɔːr-/ extremely ashamed and embarrassed, especially about something you have done accidentally 〔尤指因偶然错误而〕羞愧的,难堪的She’ll be mortified when she realizes her mistake. 她要是知道自己犯了错就会很羞愧的。a mortified expression 难堪的表情shamefaced showing by the expression on your face that you are ashamed about something 面带愧色的,惭愧的Paul came into my office looking shamefaced and apologized for what he had done. 保罗面带愧色地走进我的办公室,为所做的事道了歉。feel guilty (also feel bad especially spoken) to feel worried and unhappy because you know that you have done something wrong. Feel bad is more informal than feel guilty 感到内疚〔feel bad比feel guilty较为不正式〕He felt guilty about lying to his parents. 他对父母撒了谎,感到挺内疚。I felt bad about letting the team down. 辜负了团队的期望,我觉得很内疚。lose face to lose people’s respect for you, especially by doing something that makes you look weak or stupid in front of other people 丢面子,丢脸He feels he’ll lose face if he admits to his staff that he was wrong. 他觉得向员工认错就丢了面子。Examples from the Corpusashamed• For a second, their generosity towards him made me feel ashamed.• It was the booze talking, John understood that, but he still felt baffled and ashamed.• I didn't want anyone to know I'd been fired because I felt ashamed.• The knowledge that I had caused him to lose his job made me bitterly ashamed.• There's nothing to be ashamed about - lots of people have money problems.• She felt ashamed of being such a failure.• She was so ashamed of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.• It made him feel that maybe she was ashamed of him.• For a long time I was ashamed of my father and the fact he never finished school.• I was ashamed of myself, you see.• You ought to be ashamed of yourself - coming home drunk like that!• I realize now that you were telling the truth, and I'm ashamed that I didn't believe you.• He had felt ashamed the first time he put it on: it brought him back to his ugliness.• She really needed me but - I'm ashamed to admit it - I didn't help her.• And finally: If things are done that the enemy would be ashamed to do, there is an ashamed of yourself• And, being free, he could be ashamed of himself.• It is a shocking state of affairs, and the Secretary of State should be ashamed of himself.• Mr Bennett, even at his hourly fees still an officer of the court, should be ashamed of himself.• Sarah Greene and Mike Smith should be ashamed of themselves.• The Nogales International ought to be ashamed of itself.• Then they should be ashamed of themselves.---.• They should be ashamed of themselves that even the rumor that his job was in danger got out.• You ought to be ashamed of yourself.ashamed to be/do something• I'd be ashamed to bring my boss here or any influential person from work.• I am ashamed to think that you believe me capable of such a shameful and criminal act.• I feel jealous and excluded, but I am ashamed to say so.• Really, David, you ought to be ashamed to repeat such blather.• We are ashamed to deliberately make a system so inconvenient that people will stop using it.• You may well be ashamed to see me after your noise and nonsense.• He wanted to look his best so that Sweetheart would not be ashamed to be seen out with him.• His behavior makes me ashamed to be seen with him in public.• And finally: If things are done that the enemy would be ashamed to do, there is an advantage.a·shamed adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  sorry very and feeling have something embarrassed of Corpus because you




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