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单词 In nature
(1) He is the most impudent fellow in nature.
(2) He is mild in nature.
(3) Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.
(4) This phenomenon is unique in nature.
(5) Volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature.
(6) In nature there are no groundless talk, the earth will not form.
(7) All these materials are found in nature.
(8) What in nature do you mean?
(9) A life force indwells in nature.
(10) In nature, all animals are wild and free.
(11) My work is very specialized in nature.
(12) We appreciate beauty in nature.
(13) Any government funding would be temporary in nature.
(14) Their strategy was essentially political in nature.
(15) They felt that all the regularities in nature have a purpose.
(16) The idea of God in nature has been in existence for as long as human beings have worshipped.
(17) This is a chance that can't in nature be missed.
(18) Madam Curie insisted there was something in nature that gave out radiation.
(19) His father had an abiding interest in nature.
(20) At birth, schemata are reflexive in nature.
(21) Photography could compensate for certain deficiencies in nature.
(22) This condition is, fortunately, usually temporary in nature.
(23) But it is different in nature.
(24) They reported the find Wednesday in Nature magazine.
(25) Her monograph, Colour in Nature, appeared in 1898.
(26) In nature it often grows in very cool water.
(27) Both species grow under the same conditions in nature.
(28) This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
(29) Madam Curie insisted ( that ) there was something in nature that gave out radiation.
(30) The rise of a major power is both economic and military in nature.
(1) He is mild in nature.
(2) Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.
(3) Volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature.
(4) This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.
(5) Madam Curie insisted ( that ) there was something in nature that gave out radiation.
(31) My eye picks up things in nature.
(32) Undiluted fruit juices are acidic in nature.
(33) In nature, the obvious way is through genetic relatedness - kinship.
(34) The first two are abundant in nature and are normally harmless.
(35) Spontaneous social orders, by contrast, are evolutionary in nature and are not the product of rational design.
(36) Then in January 1991 I saw Roslin's ad in Nature.
(37) In nature plants of this genus are propagated mainly from the seeds.
(38) Its members conduct studies that are mainly sociological in nature, looking at questions like the importance of counselling to hysterectomy patients.
(39) Most military jobs are essentially desk-bound and technical, clerical, or managerial in nature.
(40) We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic 
(41) Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. Garrison Keillor 
(42) The me, being inherently fictional in nature, provides only arbitrary guidance to the speaking subject.
(43) That nurture is more important than nature seems to be borne out by a study published in Nature in 1989.
(44) Most of those who resisted the notion of a radical indeterminacy in nature followed a different tack from Einstein.
(45) The few quibbles with the game are technical in nature.
(46) This approach is broadly statistical in nature,[] as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
(47) The current supplement to the encyclopedia 'Growing Up with Science' has a new section on cycles in nature.
(48) It was widely praised, even in Nature, which might have been sceptical.
(49) Democritus' writings were voluminous, and several of the recorded titles sound medical in nature.
(50) The story of Pygmalion and Galatea is an example; it has no conceivable connection with any event in nature.
(51) Life events can be developmental in nature: weaning, toilet training and puberty are examples that characterise all people's lives.
(52) Rather than rushing into print in Nature, however, Cantor played it cool and cautious.
(53) While causes of dyslexia remain obscure, there is growing evidence that it is neurological in nature.
(54) Ozenfant sought to discover consistent elements of form in nature: concordances, laws, a universal and harmonious language of art.
(55) Odours are very subjective in nature and affect people in different ways.
(56) Other technical developments helped to change the pattern of interest in Nature.
(57) The play is didactic in tone and ethical in nature.
(58) Property changes in nature as private property is introduced, and this type of property becomes the foundation of capitalist exploitation.
(59) Theoretical Basis of Relaxation Training Relaxation induces physiological effects opposite in nature to those induced by psychological stress.
(60) These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.
(61) Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
(62) Further, the two remedies of administrative receiver and administrators are different in nature, though they may be similar in purpose.
(63) But above all, a synthetic chemical lacks the life-force found only in nature.
(64) The basis for his scientific management was technological in nature.
(65) A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. Leonardo da Vinci 
(66) It is often seen in nature, but becomes much more obvious when natural hazards are removed in captive and human populations.
(67) It is envisaged that a large proportion of the work of the external assessors will be judgmental in nature.
(68) Do you buy environment-friendly products and take an active interest in nature?
(69) The world has invented many industrial processes which often create pollutants of a kind that do not occur in nature at all.
(70) There is a vast untapped genetic and metabolic biodiversity in nature that can also be harnessed.
(71) Scientific Correspondence is for discussion of topical scientific matters, including those published in Nature, and for miscellaneous contributions.
(72) Ninety-two elements exist in nature and another dozen or so have been made by nuclear physicists.
(73) To the extent that training is provided, it varies greatly in nature, quality, duration, and goals.
(74) In nature, the elements form stable chemical compounds with each other, usually involving oxygen.
(75) Extremes in nature equal ends produce; In man they join to some mysterious use. Alexander Pope 
(76) In nature, butterflyfishes are constantly nibbling and picking for food, as are many other small marine fishes.http://
(77) The overwhelming majority of peasant communications were oral in nature in a society that was still largely illiterate.
(78) Mark Winston in Nature Wars provides a compelling account of why this has happened.
(79) Yet our narratives, or ways of thinking, are grounded in our bodily experiences in nature and society.
(80) A notice in Nature the following year described his representation of the attitudes of human locomotion by means of sculpture.
(81) Finally, humans create habitats of a kind that may well occur in nature, but not commonly.
(82) Under different situations in nature Azolla is regarded to be an undesirable weed or a very beneficial plant.
(83) Some psychologists contend that even some forms of psychosis are retaliatory in nature.
(84) There are movements of Rabari, swirls and swoops apparently random but fractal in nature.
(85) Huxley's Man's Place in Nature of 1863 had stressed the physical resemblances between humans and apes.
(86) When we say that a ring round the moon means rain, we refer to a connection in nature.
(87) Very simple geometrical forms exist in nature out there but most of them are ordinarily invisible to the naked eye.
(88) This is particularly important in a field where many of the demands made by users are highly specialized in nature.
(89) In nature, each creature has a niche or environment in which it finds the conditions necessary for survival and reproduction.
(90) Or to put it differently, he saw in nature a storehouse of artistic forms.
(91) And as is the way of things in nature, given sufficient heat and hammering, the result is forged steel.
(92) They are deeply concerned about the scientists' inability to explain the dramatic changes they see in nature.
(93) Neural systems are inherently analog and parallel in nature; electronic systems have been digital.
(94) It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection. Voltaire 
(95) The idea that there are forces and necessities in nature is spurious, a piece of mysticism which we can do without.
(96) The designation is a form of landscape protection only and has little value in nature conservation terms.
(97) A prudential practice is instrumental in nature, being designed to achieve a specific substantive purpose.
(98) What is feminine is not generally considered economic and the economy is not usually thought of as feminine in nature.
(99) For the holiday season, they launched a thriving retail partnership, with Discovery Channel media centers in Nature Company stores.
(100) All good, noble things are religious and moral in nature, but have nothing to do with religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
(101) It must be stressed that the foregoing budgeting system must be viewed as dynamic rather than static in nature.
(102) Just remember that, in nature, what is well-pruned invariably produces the most fruit.
(103) Third, the market - and especially the financial sector - is becoming increasingly global in nature.
(104) In nature, it is those species that live in highly organized groups that require the most complicated communication systems.
(105) Usually the sins confessed were minor in nature: a broken promise, a plagiarized term paper.
(106) The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain 
(106) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(107) In nature hybrids between some species of Echinodorus, such as E. cordifolius and E. berteroi, are known.
(108) If you are interested in public affairs, which is usually political in nature, you go to a public affairs expert.
(109) The ancients staged mock battles to parallel the tempests in nature and reduce their fear of gods who warred across the sky.
(110) In nature the green form lives in green places and the yellow form in yellow and brown places, with rare exceptions.
(111) In nature small fish are constantly looking for food, and will eat small amounts whenever they find them.
(112) Pesticides kill off the beneficial insects as well as the destructive ones creating an imbalance in nature and wasting valuable assets.
(113) Yet in nature the whole business of death is a much more private affair.
(114) In the first stage, we primarily dealt with homogeneous networks, then moved to inter-networks that are heterogeneous in nature.
(115) Gary has had an interest in nature since childhood and is an enthusiastic supporter of conservation and environmental issues.
(116) Most plants in our aquariums identified as A. crispus are actually hybrids that were produced in nature or under artificial conditions.
(117) But the rhetoric of those who defended government policy in the early 1680s was explicitly legalist in nature.
(118) The ancients shared in nature by echoing the violence of a windstorm or thunder squall.
(119) In nature Marsilea is found in ponds, ditches, swamps, rice paddies, and other areas with standing water.
(120) However, he would have been shocked to know of the pagan pleasure in nature and pretty womanhood experienced by Angel.
(121) The neural pathways in nature continue to stun scientists with how non-optimized they are.
(122) The archegonium is generally reduced in nature.
(123) Traditionally, modernts mordants were found found in nature ashe.
(124) Every voice in nature was unanimous in bespeaking change.
(125) Both types of organisms are ubiquitous in nature.
(126) We think of God as immanent in nature.
(127) Holographic time spirals and is not linear in nature.
(128) Mildness in nature, without irritation(), fit for sensitive skin.
(129) An English information was inquisitorial in nature.
(130) This vantage readily accepts ambiguities and the counteracting forces in nature.
(131) In 1991, carbon nanotube ( CNT ) was first reported in Nature by Iijima.
(132) Though they respectively bear their own special stipulation , they are dialectically unified in nature.
(133) A signal model based on Fractional Brownian Motion ( FBM ) is a common model in nature.
(134) A fee simple estate may be either legal or equitable in nature.
(135) The new study, published in Nature, shows the platypus as both evolutionary relic and pioneer.
(136) There is not so variable a thing in nature as a lady's headdress.
(137) Through a study on the "sophistic propositions" of the pre-Qin School of Names, represented by "White dog is black", this paper proposes that these propositions are rationalistic in nature.
(138) The pressure-sensitive dilatant materials, such as rock, soil, foam metal, polymeric material, rubber and so on, are the most widely applied materials in nature.
(139) A conservation is a statement of constancy in nature - in particular, constancy during change.
(140) Arsenic is widely distributed in nature and also an important environmental pollutant.
(141) Algorithm FGA, which is distinct from the genetic algorithm GA in nature, can be used to find approximate solutions to distinct fuzzy optimization problems effectively.
(142) The fractal geometry is a powerful tool to study the irregular figures in nature and project.
(143) Patterns in Nature: Flowers Genetic engineering created this zinnia hybrid flower.
(144) The stability coefficients of landside were 1.14 and 1.10 in nature and earthquake conditions by finite-element method, and these results proved that the landside was stable in these two conditions.
(145) Only magnetic dipole and higher multipole configuratons occur in nature.
(146) Ecologist who looked for patterns in nature regarded food as an organizing influence in communities.
(147) In postmodern context, costume code is a kind of game of signifier in nature.
(148) The adsorption of cationic pink FG and methylene blue onto purified palygorskite is an endothermic processes, and direct acid proof scarlet 4BS is exothermic in nature.
(149) Flavanone compound is widely distributed in nature, which is one of powerful ingredients of many medicinal plants.
(150) The so - called selflessness essentially is selfishness in nature!
(151) Traditionally forest-dwelling, they follow an animist religion rooted in nature, and their languages have no written form.
(152) Patterns in Nature: Coral A palette of soft corals grows along a reef near Fiji.
(153) In fact, camphor and naphthalene balls are different in nature.
(154) To receive Fifth Amendment protection, a communication must be coerced and must be testimonial in nature.
(155) In Nature as in society, all new - born forces are intrinsically invincible.
(156) Judgment in Nature: drought, pestilence, famine, disease, wild animals, population loss.
(157) Everything impermanent as change is the only constant in nature.
(158) Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness , stability and dynamics, and and macrocosm.
(159) Motive power is, in quantity, invariable in nature, it is never either produced or destroyed.
(160) Deep formations: including those deposits ed to diagenesis after middle stage and basic rocks, and these formations are brittle in nature.
(161) No such inward disunion is found in nature: natural things do nothing wicked.
(162) Pearls in nature come in white, ivory, pink and black with an opalescent glow.
(163) Patterns in Nature: Water Thick sea ice in the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort Sea traps air bubbles.
(164) First of all, every medication swallowed is perceived by the immune system as a "poison, " because there is nothing in nature that would ever present to the G.I.
(165) L Siliceous soil - Soil composed of acid rock that are crystalline in nature.
(166) Early Lemurian civilization was oneness based and self sustainable in nature.
(167) Peter Michelson : are the highest energy form of radiation that's produced in nature.
(168) The legal profession, shop and shop entities no different in nature[http://], should bear tax obligations.
(169) Purely recreational in nature, Connecticut College's intramural program encourages fitness, skill - building, sportsmanship, and friendly competition.
(170) Patterns in Nature: Rainbows A fisheye lens captures arcs of light crowning the Canadian wilderness.
(171) I 5 . n radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.
(172) As cultural opportunists in nature, they no longer camouflaged, but appealed and flirted to them.
(173) Carbyne is a new allotrope of carbon which had been found in nature in 1968.
(174) Of course, in nature, the fish swimming parabolic curve is only dolphins.
(175) In nature, as an organism evolves it increases in complexity and it also becomes a more compact or miniaturized system.
(176) This will enable more consistent and efficient launches of products are fast becoming mass - customised in nature.
(177) He refused to utilitarian in nature, refused attribution, refused to contract.
(178) Many minerals in nature have the self-purification capacity to hold and stabilize deleterious contaminant, which can be used to deal with heavy metal contaminants .
(179) In nature , there are amphibious, repti 1 e and mammalia to prey on mosquito adult as ameans of biological control.
(180) We can provide more than enough genetic information to account for the variability in nature.
(181) Beryl crystals occurring in nature are mostly prismatic, tabular ones are rarely observed.
(182) Lutein is dihydroxy - carotenoids with the ionone ring systems distributed widely in nature.
(183) It is not a and differs from instigator in nature.
(184) Einstein dared to suggest that light was indeed corpuscular in nature.
(185) Shifting now from Engels to Marx, Marx's whole attitude and conversation were Satanic in nature.
(186) Patterns in Nature: Plants Fern fronds spiral in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains.
(187) The mistakes he has made this time are Right deviationist and empiricist in nature.
(188) Facilitating these studies is the fact that the three-spined stickleback is easy to find in nature and easy to keep in aquaria.
(189) Philosophical theory is explanatory and interpretive in nature and has nothing to do with prediction.
(190) China pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature.
(191) More or less earth determines entry time founded upon vibrational threshold that is global in nature.
(192) Health products industry is global in nature sunrise industry(), the rapid growth of its market.
(193) Lutein and zeaxanthin are both dihydroxy - carotenoids with the ionone ring systems distributed widely in nature.
(194) University faulty Evaluation system is a Public contract in nature.
(195) The distribution in nature, application, and extraction technology of scandium are introduced.
(196) Chromium is widely distributed in nature, organisms mainly trivalent form of chromium.
(197) Patterns in Nature: Water Sunlight and stones create an undulating effect on a Canadian river bottom.
(198) The discovery of strain Fryx1 suggests that other gas vesiculate purple non-sulfur bacteria may exist in nature.
(199) Patterns in Nature: Food Red peppers pop against a blue cloth at a Sumatra , Indonesia, market.
(200) The Chinese government firmly pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature.
(201) This strange phenomenon is rare in nature, has a botanist can not find the reasons.
(202) There were some alkaloids whose structures were similar to dictamnine in nature, and several dictamnine derivatives with good biological activity were synthesized by structure modification.
(203) "The F-22 is an offensive weapon that fits Washington's global strategy. China's defense development is self-defensive in nature and does not require a fighter jet of that caliber," Mr. Li said.
(204) There is not so variable a thing in Nature as a lady's headdress.
(205) According to theories of linguistics and semiology, this paper analyses some knowledge of text generation in nature language, proposes a theoretical model of computer text-generation.
(206) Pingdingshan heat power group is monopolized in nature and has apparent developing advancement.
(207) Patterns in Nature: Coral Star coral polyps open in search of food near Little Cayman Island.
(208) Patterns in Nature: Plants Veins spider across a castor bean leaf in Hungary.
(209) Patterns in Nature: Mysterious Earth Lichens grow on a granite gravestone in Lake Champlain, New York.
(210) One of the strangest sights in nature is the courtship dance of the flamingo.
(211) Owing to the exploitation of phosphorite and the unilateral circulation of phosphorus in nature, phosphorus resource is increasingly exhausted.
(212) Antimatter has been produced experimentally, but little of it is found in nature.
(213) Art is an existence of sublimation, and embodies in nature the sublimated feature of beauty creation.
(214) Patterns in Nature: Water Rushing water creates deep - blue waves at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Illinois.
(215) It enables scientists to transfer genes between different species that would not interbreed in nature.
(216) The motif is in nature the direct way of violence for violence and evil for evil, but it indicates in effect an important Buddhistic way of educational punishment.
(217) In Nature, the overall principles represent a higher realty than does the single object.
(218) Non - biological washing powder to use in nature, there will be that detergent packaging.
(219) Heavy agronomy clique and Si Mi order of believe in nature.




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