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单词 ash
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Plantsash /æʃ/ ●○○ noun  1  DBURN[countable, uncountable] the soft grey powder that remains after something has been burned 灰,灰烬 cigarette ash 香烟灰 The house burnt to ashes. 那房子烧成了灰烬。 →4  See picture of 见图 VOLCANO →5 see picture at 见图 volcano2  ashes [plural] a) the ash that remains when a dead person’s body is burned 骨灰 His ashes were scattered at sea. 他的骨灰被撒向大海。 b) a situation in which something is completely destroyed 废墟,灰烬〔指完全被毁的局面〕 The organization has risen from the ashes to become very successful. 该机构浴火重生,现在已经非常成功。 All her hopes and dreams had turned to ashes. 她所有的希望和梦想都化为了泡影。3. HBP[countable, uncountable] a tree that is common in Britain and North America, or the wood from this tree 梣(树),白蜡树;梣木Examples from the Corpusash• cigar ash• In 1871 it burned down, 17,000 buildings were consumed, and a third of the city lay in ashes.• Tiny wisps of ash floated up.• The explosion spewed ash and golf ball-sized fireballs into the air.• Even when remains are cremated, the ashes are often placed in an urn and buried.• In the ashes were bits of broken eggshell.• Investigators sifted through the ashes to find the cause of the fire.• The original versions were reduced to ashes when an earlier Capitol burned in 1881.nASH /æʃ/  n(Action on Smoking and Health) a British organization that opposes smoking and the tobacco industry. It tries to influence the government to put high taxes on tobacco and to make laws that restrict smoking, cigarette advertising etc.Origin ash 1. Old English asce2. Old English æscash nounASHLDOCE OnlineChinese  that after the Corpus grey remains soft something powder has




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