释义 |
Hous·ton /ˈhjuːstən/ 1. a city and port in the US state of Texas, where NASA, the US government space centre, is based 休斯敦〔美国得克萨斯州的一座港口城市 美国航空航天局所在地〕2. Houston, we have a problemwe have a problem Houston people say this humorously when something goes wrong. These words were first spoken by one of the astronauts on the unsuccessful Apollo 13 space mission. 休斯敦,我们遇到了麻烦〔此话原为失利的阿波罗13号航天任务中一名宇航员所言,现为幽默用法,表示遇到了麻烦〕Hous·tonChineseSyllable |