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单词 hopelessly
释义 Word family  noun hope hopefulness ≠ hopelessness hopeful adjective hopeful ≠ hopeless verb hope adverb hopefully ≠ hopelessly  hope·less·ly /ˈhəʊpləsli $ ˈhoʊp-/ adverb  1  BADused when emphasizing how bad a situation is, and saying that it will not get better 〔情况〕没有希望地,无望地;完全地 We found ourselves hopelessly outnumbered by the enemy. 我们发现敌人的人数远远超过了我们。 She felt hopelessly confused. 她完全糊涂了。 I was trying to find the museum, but I got hopelessly lost. 我想找到博物馆,却完全迷路了。2. be/fall hopelessly in love (with somebody) LOVEto have or develop very strong feelings of love for someone (对某人)爱得不能自拔3  HOPEfeeling that you have no hope (感到)绝望地 ‘When will I see you again?’ he asked hopelessly. “我什么时候能再见到你?”他绝望地问道。Examples from the Corpushopelessly• "I feel like quitting, " she said hopelessly.• He shrugged again, smiling hopelessly.• We're hopelessly behind schedule.• Many considered the Booker Washington area hopelessly blighted.• From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.• And, unknown to her father, I fell hopelessly in love with her.• They went almost hopelessly into the great wilderness of trees where it seemed impossible to find anything.• After about twenty minutes, walking and fishing, she realised that she was hopelessly lost.• Perhaps my notion of wilderness is romantic and hopelessly out of date, but I have to say that I find paragliding an intrusion.• Sanders said that Congress was hopelessly out of touch with the needs of ordinary citizens.• He loved a lifeless thing and he was utterly and hopelessly wretched.hope·less·ly adverbChineseSyllable  how emphasizing Corpus a used is, situation bad when




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