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诗文 《朱自清·论诚意》原文英译









Sincerity and hypocrisy are about people.s moral characters as well as attitudes. Formerly when talking about sincerity and hypocrisy, we mainly referred to people.s moral characters. Integrity, honesty and allegiance are all virtues of gentlemen while fraudulence is used to describe the deceitful and hypocritical villains. Half the moral character is inborn while the other half is formed through educating. Natural as the performance of moral character is, it shows one.s humanity. Judging by one.s overall behavior, we know whether he is an honest gentleman or a deceitful villain. Probably gentlemen are always gentlemen while villains are always villains. Though one.s temperament can change, it.s still an exception when we say,“no final verdict can be announced on a man before his death”. However, in society the defined gentlemen and villains are not common, people generally oscillate between these two levels; sometimes they can.t control themselves and become deceitful and hypocritical. Moreover, people are motivated to give different degrees of sincerity to different people and things in order to adapt to the situation. This describes the attitude. Sometimes attitude can.t reflect one.s moral character, for example, an honest friend will tell a lie at the last extremity. Attitude is out of necessity, and ordinary people can.t avoid it for the need of life-dealing or social intercourse. The change of attitude can be forgiven and even be accepted because it is the demand of worldly wisdom. As attitude implies so many changes, it will attract more people.s attention in such a changeable society. The words“pure-heartedness”,“sincerity”and“hypocrisy”that we usually say and write may be all about attitude.

However, people define these words a bit strictly. According to their definition, there are too many people who are disingenuous and insincere. In the eyes of the youth, except for themselves most people and things in society are hypocritical. The word“hypocrisy”used in such a way seems to be defined a little broadly, which makes the same sweeping mistake with the old people who always say“people are not what they were in times past and the moral values of society are worsening day after day”. Generally speaking, people always confuse moral characters with attitudes, so do the young people. But they have various illusions about“naivety”and“purity”. Though honesty is indeed a treasure, everyone will make a mistake, and phoenix and sage are rare.The only thing we can do is to be magnanimous and start from the small aspect—attitude, otherwise our life will be full of unnecessary annoyance and pointless dispute. As for naivety and purity, it is a characteristic only for children. The children that behave like adults are disagreeable to our eyes. However, if a person remains innocent and pure all the time, no harm will be done to him but lots of troubles will be made to others. Someone praises“childlike innocence”and“childishness”, but it is only limited to small programs in order to regulate the dull and boring atmosphere. If you still perform casually at the crucial moment, you will be regarded as a willful and ignorant person.Fortunately, words like dishonesty, insincerity and hypocrisy have become conventional expressions, and people usually speak these words irresponsibly, at most frowning or sneering to show their helplessness. Of course, some people are serious, but both themselves and others will suffer from this. The young people easily become serious and unsatisfied, and their dissatisfaction can be a driving force for social reform. But they have to be careful, because if too serious to differentiate sincerity and hypocrisy, they will be regarded nihilists.

There is a certain line between people and things, so it.s very difficult for us to behave appropriately. Sincerity is indispensable, but when faced with different situations, we must weigh and balance the amount of sincerity. Therefore etiquette and formalities are produced. Someone says that etiquette is the art of life, and it should have been. Politeness in daily life is also an etiquette or formality.However, some people think that politeness stands on ceremony too much and loses the real heart, so it isn.t a genuine attitude. They suggest following what is natural. It.s fine to behave naturally, but we must adjust ourselves to different situations. For example, if we behave casually when meeting strangers, people will think we are rude. Even though for acquaintances, being such immoderately casual is inappropriate. Couples are close enough, however, they still need to respect each other. In a word, under different circumstances both nature and politeness can express sincerity. Your politeness must be liberal and match your own identity, otherwise too much sincerity can decrease its value.

Visiting friends, entertaining guests and sending gifts are all formalities. Some people think that these formalities are some hypocritical conventions and boring stuff, in fact these can also show sincerity. Only when you care for him will you go off your way to do those activities.This is enough to show sincerity.As for the frequency of visiting, the time of visiting, being invited as a guest of honor or guest for accompanying and the atmosphere of visiting, these just indicate the amount of sincerity rather than whether the sincerity exists or not. When you visit, treat or send a gift in return, actually you are returning sincerity. As the old saying goes,“one good turn deserves another”. At any time, it remains the same. Someone surprisingly received one present which he had given to others during a Spring Festival. This has been taken to be insincere and regarded as a standing joke. Indeed, this is funny, but still embodies sincerity. Another one came cross a person who he had made nodding acquaintance with previously and was told,“I am going to call on you.”Then he said in conversation with others,“Don.t bother visiting me. I don.t think he will do it. What an empty promise!”It seems that person showed excessive sincerity. Foreign Rules, a short novel written by Ms. Ling Shuhua, is about a young overseas student who accompanied to the park, a young lady who grew up in a traditional family. He was devoted to her, and unexpectedly the young lady mistook his kindness for love. In fact, the young man followed the foreign customs and performed a little more enthusiasm. The comedy is caused by the lady.s ignorance of new etiquette and formalities and overestimate of the overseas student.s sincerity. So you can see, sincerity has weight.

We live not only for ourselves but for others. We can also be regarded as pure-hearted and sincere if we have consideration for others.feelings while not doing harm to our own identity. Such a broad view may cheer some people up. As a Western saying goes“life is like acting”, our lives can also be wonderful as long as we try to act in a good way. Such as politeness, some people regard it as a show, however, a show is also fine if it is beneficial to all. Furthermore, pure-heartedness and sincerity may also be shows. Nowadays people usually say,“I am talking to you very sincerely...”or“I am very serious...”. Similar with every potter praising his own pot, they praise their own genuineness and sincerity. Honest gentlemen probably will not do such things. However, ordinary people have got used to it, and they think it is just for increasing their sincerity or emphasizing their attitude, which is different with peddlers.touting wares.Ordinary people as we are should weigh and balance our sincerity and change our attitude following the current situation. But unavoidably, a little flavor of show is involved. Here.s another Western saying“honesty is the best policy”, which is also a line of the actor. Here“honesty”also indicates our attitude.





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