随便看 |
- 词之雅、郑,在神不在貌.永叔、少游虽作艳语,终有品格.方之美成,便有淑女与倡伎之别.
- 词人三毛指的是谁
- 词人之忠实,不独对人事宜然,即对一草一木,亦须有忠实之意,否则所谓游词也.
- 词人南北二曹分别指谁
- 词人南楼三子分别指谁
- 词人双白分别指谁
- 词人史姜分别指谁
- 词人吴文英
- 词人吴王朱陈分别指谁
- 词人吴蒋分别指谁
- 词人吴贺分别指的是谁
- 词人孙秦分别指的是谁
- 词人欧秦分别指谁
- 词人欧范指的是谁
- 词人温李分别指谁
- 词人温韦分别指谁
- 词人者,不失其赤子之心者也.故生于深宫之中,长于妇人之手,是后主为人君所短处,亦即为词人所长处.
- 词人苏吴分别指谁
- 词人苏孙秦指的是哪三位
- 词人苏柳分别指谁
- 词人苏辛分别指谁
- 词人苏陆辛刘分别指哪四位
- 词以境界为最上.有境界则自成高格,自有名句.五代、北宋之词所以独绝者在此.
- 词以境界为最上,有境界则自成高格,自有名句,五代、北宋之词所以独绝者在此。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 词体文学是都市文化的产物,唐五代词中已初现都市文学风景
- Proceed from
- Tentative plan
- Be innocent of
- Hirer
- Be identical with
- Monocoque
- Skim over
- Graham cracker
- Application process
- By guess
- None the worse for
- Centralisation
- Thousands upon thousands
- Guard of honor
- Keep the peace
- Voting-topic
- Voting-topic abstain
- Voting-topic abstain
- Voting-topic abstention
- Voting-topic abstention
- Voting-topic adopt
- Voting-topic adopt
- Voting-topic ballot
- Voting-topic ballot
- Voting-topic ballot box
- Voting-topic ballot box
- Voting-topic ballot paper
- Voting-topic ballot paper
- Voting-topic blackball
- Voting-topic blackball