随便看 |
- 诗学诗律
- 诗宗正法眼藏
- 诗宜朴不宜巧,然必须大巧之朴,诗宜淡不宜浓,然必须浓后之淡。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 诗家一指
- 诗家一指
- 诗家三昧
- 诗家无拘鄙之气,然令人放旷;词家无暴戾之气,然令人淫靡。道学自有泰而不骄、乐而不淫气象,虽寄意于诗词,而缀景言情皆自义理中流出,所谓吟风弄月,有“吾与点也”之意。
- 诗家虽率意,而造语亦难。若意新语工,得前人所未道者,斯为善也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 诗家鼎脔
- 诗庄词媚是什么意思
- 诗序
- 诗序辨说
- 诗式
- 诗式
- 诗式》简介介绍
- 诗式校注
- 诗式校注
- 诗律
- 诗律标志法
- 诗心品红·画境寻梦
- 诗必柱下之旨归,赋乃漆园之义疏。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 诗必盛唐
- 诗思野兴,出于自然
- 诗总闻
- 诗总集
- Kitchen utensil
- Vitamin b3
- Vitamin b
- Collateral loan
- Heartlessness
- Shockproof
- Ferruginous
- Scholium
- Pricker
- Phenolics
- Charing
- Play second fiddle to
- Ternate
- Hyperaemia
- Photogravure
- at the top of the heap
- at the touch of a button
- at the touch of a key
- at the vanguard
- at the vanguard of
- at the vanguard of something
- at the vanguard of sth
- at the (very) least
- at the very least
- at the (very) outside
- at the very outside
- at (the) worst
- at the worst
- at third hand
- at this rate