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单词 Indifferent
1. Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words. 
2. People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.
3. Indifferent attitude, made light of expression. Comfort.
4. I pretended to be indifferent to it.
5. Love through tears, from deep and become indifferent.
6. Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent.
7. His manner was cold and indifferent.
8. He appeared indifferent to her suffering.
9. Those politicians are indifferent to the interests of people.
10. would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful.
11. He was mute, distant, and indifferent.
12. It was indifferent to her who he was.
13. I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful.
14. It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.
15. How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of starving people?
16. He is an indifferent cook.
17. He was coldly indifferent to other people.
18. Sarah was absolutely indifferent to him, and it hurt.
19. She had starred in several very indifferent movies.
20. I am indifferent to their arguments.
21. She seems indifferent, but deep down she's very pleased.
22. Most staff were indifferent about the plans.
23. Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have!
24. The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.
25. We enjoyed the day, in spite of very indifferent weather.
26. His English is indifferent.
27. The steel workers were relatively indifferent to the issue of nationalization.
28. Why don't you vote - how can you be so indifferent !
29. We didn't like the restaurant much - the food was indifferent and the service rather slow.
30. The festival has the usual mix of films?good, bad and indifferent.
1. People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.
2. His manner was cold and indifferent.
3. He appeared indifferent to her suffering.
4. Those politicians are indifferent to the interests of people.
5. He was mute, distant, and indifferent.
6. It was indifferent to her who he was.
7. It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.
8. Why don't you vote - how can you be so indifferent !
9. He is an indifferent cook.
10. He was coldly indifferent to other people.
11. Her English is indifferent.
31. Pat sounded almost indifferent.
32. Her English is indifferent.
33. The festival has the usual mixture of films-good, bad and indifferent.
34. He found it very hard teaching a class full of indifferent teenagers.
35. The service at the restaurant was indifferent at best.
36. The world can not remain indifferent to his brutality.
37. To him, it must have seemed ice cold, indifferent.
38. Feeling indifferent to Gerald made Marge cold.
39. Cultivation: Very indifferent as to planting medium.
40. Other requirements: Light: Very indifferent, but moderate illumination suitable.
41. Cultivation: This plant is very indifferent to the tank bottom and will grow well even on bare gravel.
42. Peace Corps officials took this as a sign that the government was indifferent, and unwilling to support Peace Corps activities.
43. Most trade unionists had been indifferent to any political theory beyond an instinctive syndicalism which was itself largely confined to industrial disputes.
44. In doing so they are indifferent to the macroeconomic effects of their decision.
44. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
45. The indifferent continue to greatly outnumber the inspired when it comes to decentralized management in that important segment of the management population.
46. Other requirements: Light: Subdued light, though it is very indifferent to any other conditions.
47. Apart from a mettlesome Emilia in Gisella Pasino the smaller roles are filled with indifferent singers.
48. She gazed around her, impressed in spite of her unease and her determination to appear indifferent.
49. The rural scene was so peaceful and indifferent to my predicament.
50. People, young, old and indifferent, can have purple hair, swear at ballgames or give other motorists the finger.
51. This is the respondent who, though concerned about interparty marriage, is indifferent about election campaigns.
52. Charles is not as indifferent to paintings as he pretends.
53. Grandfather was deeply indifferent to the future and disdainful of the successes of his forgotten sons.
54. She is so cool and indifferent, so enclosed and private - when she's not openly defiant, that is.
55. He seems rather to be at once very aware if it and indifferent to it.
56. There is a second condition required for a rational agent to be indifferent between equal forward and expected future spot rates.
57. While some expressed worry and fear, many appeared indifferent and even optimistic about the chaos in the building.
58. Even indifferent lawyers may be kept going by their clerk arranging for briefs to be passed to them from dud solicitors.
59. Her father was quite friendly, but her mother seemed somewhat cold and indifferent.
60. Nor did Benson let indifferent health interfere with many other projects and interests.
61. It is a fatal error to assume that lowering the price makes an indifferent product saleable to a general market.
62. Or maybe they disapproved of or were indifferent to your best efforts.
63. His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.
64. Water condition: Very indifferent to water hardness, but prefers a slightly acid to neutral condition.
65. When he pinches his baby brother he seems indifferent to the infant's distress.
66. If she had really been as indifferent as she had pretended to be, then she wouldn't have reacted at all.
67. After being demolished and outgunned by some indifferent players, he attempted to use the new compounds, but to no avail.
68. Government can not be indifferent to the long-term success of business.
69. The political system can no longer afford to be indifferent to the economy.
70. Like the yellowhammer, the foot and mouth virus is an aspect of wild nature, ungovernable and powerfully indifferent.
71. His long hair stopped neatly at the level where it curved most attractively, but his shave was indifferent.
72. Cultivation: Very indifferent as to its growing medium, it will even grow in fine gravel or unwashed sand.
73. This is a man of the greatest weight, to whose friendship we can not be indifferent.
74. I found myself wondering if he were really as indifferent as his expression and few comments suggested.
74. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
75. Politicians were seen as indifferent to the hard-working middle class.
76. Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not. Galileo Galilei 
77. Despite lawsuits some police departments remained indifferent, because the city, and not individual officers, had to pay the costs.
78. The story is complex, and in some respects law has been indifferent and, indeed, antipathetic to commercial needs.
79. A perfect yogi would have remained indifferent, but the Mahatma was not completely detached.
80. We get really excited when we get a chance to play these guys, good, bad or indifferent.
81. It is tough to reform something that is shapeless and indifferent to improvement, like Jell-O in the hands of a carpenter.
82. In 1812 almost one parish in ten was not served even by an underpaid and indifferent curate.
83. They withstand artificial illumination well not only from above but also from the sides and are indifferent to moderately hard water.
84. He was indifferent to the attention he received, calmly going about his business(), never using his influence to manipulate others.
85. She is changing, finding ways to appear indifferent to miseries she never knew existed.
86. I was slowly coming to realize that I was not at all indifferent to my patient.
87. Cultivation: Very indifferent to conditions, though it will relish a planting medium consisting of nutritious detritus.
88. You are, or pretend to be, indifferent to whatever may happen to your reputation.
89. Unlikely to sell you indifferent fish, as his reputation will be spread by word of mouth.
90. His breath misted the cold glass and he turned away, indifferent to others' arguments.
91. But for the good clean fun of international football, they would have gone on being indifferent to those others.
92. Then under the indifferent sky his spirit left the body with its ripped flesh, infections, its weak and damaged nature.
93. Water condition: Very indifferent to conditions, but medium hard water with slight acidity is preferred.
94. Fine words, but they are falling on increasingly deaf and indifferent ears.
95. He looked around, but the streets were empty, cloudy skies indifferent.
96. It was, she felt sure, a ploy on Dawn's part, but it left her indifferent.
97. Bad or indifferent starters and main courses often turn out to be partly redeemed at the pudding stage.
98. He thrust up two fingers in triumph at the driver, an old man who was as indifferent as a waxwork.
99. Scholars who know better are cowed, indifferent or, sotto voce, disdainful.
100. The market in 1994 was at best indifferent, rewarding only the most astute stock pickers.
101. Hoover was certainly, Summers shows, spectacularly indifferent to those straight arrow standards he set for his agents.
102. Very serious consequences can and do follow from people or organisations being indifferent to the results of their actions.
103. The attendants who took charge of the plane seemed indifferent to us.
104. Was he perhaps not quite as indifferent to her as he had pretended after all?
104. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
105. The vic-tims started to see strangers everywhere, indifferent people who came and went and never said who they were.
106. Instead, it reflected how successful they had been in aggressively promoting their rather indifferent work.
107. In other words, the judicial process has never been indifferent to technological progress.
108. Black has no objection and gestures with an indifferent shrug of the shoulders for Blue to take the chair opposite.
109. Is he more than just a basher of indifferent bowling(), of which there is currently plenty?
110. The State can never be indifferent to the creation of a power or powers which may rival its own.
111. When Kalchu brought it fresh hay and water and even maize porridge it remained aloof and indifferent.
112. It seemed to me he was not so much indifferent as hostile towards these poor men.
113. But of course it was easy to be indifferent about them herself when she could count on Helen to spruce things up.
114. A sanitiser used to replace cleaning and disinfection still requires the final rinse and the standard achieved is likely to be indifferent.
115. For a long time now, he has appeared indifferent to the ravages of his problem.
116. Liley's first-half penalty goal was indifferent reward for hard work, though he added two more goals.
117. It was in a constant state of reoccupation, favoured only by marginal or twilight enterprises indifferent to a fundamentally inhuman environment.
118. Lindsey knew she had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain indifferent.
119. She emanated worldliness and the self-confidence of one who is indifferent to everything but her own needs and caprices.
120. In this conventional hierarchy, it is morally worse to intend harm than to be indifferent whether harm results from one's behaviour.
121. He was quiet and unassuming, an indifferent soldier but an able ruler.
122. In her indifferent wandering she turned into Jackson Street.
123. These few words reveal a cold, indifferent, unsympathetic woman.
124. His kisses left her largely indifferent and unresponsive.
125. Barbara was touched, and sorry to have appeared indifferent.
126. I feel indifferent whether I am comprehended or not.
127. Nothing could dispel the torpidity of the indifferent audience.
128. The fervor is half life, indifferent is half death.
129. Our attitude to the separatist movement is indifferent, neutral.
130. In Mrs. Hurstwood it discoloured the very hue of her husband's indifferent nature.
131. Chuang-Tzu's Tao is "A Share Truth" or "Form of Truth", Morality is the simple nature, its main content is reality, gentle and indifferent.
132. The way in which the man of genius rules is by persuading an efficient minority to coerce an indifferent and self-indulgent majority(James Fitzjames Stephen.
133. He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic.
134. Are those who have been disappointed in their first choice, whether from the inconstancy of its object, or the perverseness of circumstances,[Sentence dictionary] to be equally indifferent during the rest of their lives?
135. In common with such sculpture, some of Poe's stories leave us indifferent, or seem repellent.
136. Looked that resembles the indifferent extraordinariness, actually also has the right which obtains.
137. The physical world was and still is indifferent to the mathematicians'classification.
138. At the Empire Theatre she found a hive of peculiarly listless and indifferent individuals.
139. Chechen militiamen hiding around the corner are indifferent to the Russian's fate.
140. Mr. Hall was naturally an abstemious man indifferent to luxury.
141. Individual after individual passed him, nearly all well dressed, almost all indifferent.
142. I think of it as a kind of reply to that famous question in "Leda and the Swan"; that is, "did she put on his knowledge with his power before the indifferent beak could let her drop?"
143. Warm manual: Hiemal study, you work all night and often be indifferent reading place.
144. The swift and indifferent placidity of that look troubled me.
145. With Kuorankongkuo frame of, indifferent pleasant leisure and unknowingly fall to go.
146. When one partner was finally willing to make a change for the better, the other would become suddenly indifferent and unappreciative.
147. When you get rid of neediness, you don't become indifferent but rather more passionate; you experience desire and connection unsullied by desperation.
148. Not all researchers are noble-minded, and not all vendors are indifferent slugs .
149. There are all these new books out there portraying Asian mothers as scheming, callous, overdriven people indifferent to their kids' true interests.
150. The breath, mingled with the indifferent ballad, Classic grace , Electroacoustic wild.
151. The historian William Manchester castigated the tenor of youth in that era as "withdrawn, cautious, unimaginative, indifferent, unadventurous and silent."
152. Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.
153. Members of the U . K . royal family look indifferent except Princess Diana.
154. God and omnipotent, etc. However, Wharton also tries her best to depict the and indifferent God.
155. Often a drop of irony into an indifferent situation renders the whole piquant.
156. West Ham are ready to make a hopeful offer to re-sign former Upton Park favourite Joe Cole as Liverpool consider selling the England international after a very indifferent start to his Anfield career.
157. Old Bosc had never budged an inch -- he was totally indifferent.
158. Tony was madly clung to the indifferent dressing Billie and then they cohabit.
159. When we arrived an old man opened the door , totally unfriendly, uncooperative and indifferent.
160. "Do not penetrate, although the sunlight is thin, saw long to also harm eyes. "The words breathing is indifferent and self-composed.
161. Mr Feng was crouching in a dark corner, indifferent to the visitors.
162. Much of the food we eat is of very poor or indifferent quality.
163. Without handsome appearance or young body, he is indifferent, orgulous and mysterious who also be too strict with others.
164. He was as indifferent to his as they were prolific.
165. She saw the servant working at dinner with an indifferent eye.
166. Pictures of the Chechen Republic, taken in 2000-2007[http:///indifferent.html], that will leave nobody indifferent.
167. Or consider the phlegmatic, a person who is indifferent to interactions with the child.
168. Marx was contemptuous of the faith of his ancestors, and indifferent to the Lutheranism his father had adopted.
169. I get as much pleasure out of listening to a friend playing a sonatina of an evening in an indifferent manner as out of listening to a first-class professional concert.
170. I look at other people's Gathering and Scattering clutch, a section to a section of the film camera, it is indifferent expression.
171. They live as we all should live -- undisturbed , indifferent, and without disquiet.
172. He becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.
173. But since China is indifferent, the pressure on the Malawian government is diluted.
174. If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else!
175. But the normative implication of this argument is that policymakers should be indifferent because, by this supposedly all-encompassing measure of welfare, we are no worse off than we were before.
176. Arthur was so languid, indifferent and careless about the favours bestowed upon him.
177. When the market is good before, data is a bit more muddleheaded be indifferent to, but we need now more hold these data well and truly.
178. I think a major reason for these shifts has been the increasing dominance, since the Reagan era, of an ideology that is indifferent to or actively celebrates inequality of income.
179. From that day forward, the Seekers, previously shy of the press and indifferent toward evangelizing, began to proselytize.
180. Against all these, alone among an indifferent populace, they pitted their youthful hearts.
181. One should not take an indifferent ( or nonchalant ) attitude towards questions of principle.
182. She already cannot leave that nicotian taste, the tobacco of the sort of indifferent to fame or benefit tastes.
183. By using the receptive relaxation reflex of the stomach as a basis, artificial conditioned reflex has been established with the sound of an electric bell or a metronome as indifferent stimulus.
184. It's not important for me to uncleanly see people under such background, who are ecstatic, lonely, crazy or indifferent.
185. China's online games industry appears to be trapped in a culture indifferent to the vicious cycle.
186. If one continues to cast an indifferent eye on/to turn a deaf ear to/ to be blind to/to overlook the problem,[http:///indifferent.html] things are sure to go from bad to worse.
187. Indifferent himself to danger , he wept over the sorrows of others.
188. It was pretty simple during flush times, "when people were fat and happy," to purvey indifferent goods with fancy labels, said Robert Burke, a luxury retail consultant.
189. He felt no warmth towards his friends but was indifferent and apathetic.
190. But these things, how indifferent soever they be in common uses, when they come to be annexed unto divine worship, without divine authority, they are as abominable to God as the sacrifice of a dog.
191. Those are odd descriptors to ascribe to an indifferent observer if you ask me.
192. The Ivorian striker had been going through an indifferent season. But due to the rejuvenating effects of the appointment of Guus Hiddink(), he rediscovered his form in this match at home to Juventus.
193. Even if you pretend to be indifferent, at that moment, you will be thousandfold times heartbroken than I simply because you still love me.
194. They made indifferent sentinels, for in many places their ranks had been broken by the rhubarb plant, and they lay with crumpled heads and listless stems, making a pathway for the rabbits.
195. A few hecklers snicker at the signs , but mostly people are either confused or indifferent.
196. Ample evidence also shows that children who are frequently abused by their parents or teachers tend to be introverted, pessimistic, indifferent and even world-weary.
197. The analysis result shows that the mode can provide consistent performance for remote sensing image indifferent size.
198. His works reveal man's pain, anger, abreaction and schizophrenia and call for man to return to his real nature and innocence in this chaotic, selfish and indifferent world.
199. The postindustrial economy is indifferent to men's size and strength.
200. One reason is that the unreformed Japanese corporate sector is indifferent to returns to shareholders.
201. We can't remain indifferent when any comrade is in difficulty.
202. It is easy to construct an indifference curve such that the person is indifferent to both schemes.
203. Tech Indifferent: (10%) Have limited online access at home, and while most have cell phones, they bristle at their intrusiveness.
204. The emotion of the person with psychopathic personality looks indifferent and lacking of sympathy.
205. Buy goluptious ? the boss begins to guide him, he was indifferent to the ground to nod one below.
206. The highly-developed modern science and technology is "leading human beings and their culture to a unfamiliar, indifferent, dark world full of crisis".
207. The literary equivalent of a chick flick, Oleander details one girl's attempts to come to terms with her mother while also surviving the cold and largely indifferent world of foster care.




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