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诗文 《Loves Infinitenesse》约翰·但恩诗赏析

《Loves Infinitenesse》约翰·但恩诗赏析

Loves Infinitenesse

If yet I have not all thy love,

Deare, I shall never have it all,

I cannot breath one other sigh, to move;

Nor can intreat one other teare to fall.

And all my treasure, which should purchase thee, 

Sighs, teares and oathes, and letters I have spent,

Yet no more can be due to mee,

Then at the bargaine made was ment,

If then thy gift of love were partiall,

That some to mee, some should to others fall, 

Deare, I shall never have Thee All.

Or if then thou gavest mee all,

All was but All, which thou hadst then,

But if in thy heart, since, there be or shall,

New love created bee, by other men, 

Which have their stocks intire, and can in teares,

In sighs, in oathes, and letters outbid mee,

This new love may beget new feares,

For, this love was not vowed by thee.

And yet is was, thy gift being generall, 

The ground, thy heart is mine, what ever shall

Grow there, deare, I should have it all.

Yet I would not have all yet,

Hee that hath all can have no more,

And since my love doth every day admit 

New growth, thou shouldst have new rewards in store;

Thou canst not every day give me thy heart,

If thou canst give it, then thou never gavest it:

Loves riddles are, that though thy heart depart,

It stayes at home, and thou with losing savest it: 

But wee will have a way more liberall,

Then changing hearts, to joyne them, so wee shall

Be one, and one anothers All.





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