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单词 Activity
1. Activity is the only road to knowledge. 
2. The essence of language is human activity
3. Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. 
4. Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
5. The house has been full of activity all day.
6. The whole place was a scene of feverish activity.
7. He watched for signs of activity in the house.
8. The days that preceded were filled with activity.
9. He watched the house for signs of activity.
10. Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
11. I learned to windsurf on an activity holiday.
12. Any form of physical activity will invalidate the results.
13. The threat of war has depressed business activity.
14. The manager's arrival galvanized the workers into activity.
15. Muscles contract and relax during physical activity.
16. The streets were noisy and full of activity.
17. Volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature.
18. Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s.
19. The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.
20. There was a flurry of activity as the film star appeared on the balcony.
21. After weeks of frenetic activity, the job was finally finished.
22. Hours of feverish activity lay ahead. The tents had to be erected, the stalls set up.
23. There was a lot of activity in preparation for the Queen's visit.
24. The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence... 
25. Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity.
26. Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.
27. These teachers have been cut off from the mainstream of educational activity.
28. The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of suspected illegal drug activity.
29. I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.
30. Docklands in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.
1. Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
2. The whole place was a scene of feverish activity.
3. He watched for signs of activity in the house.
4. He watched the house for signs of activity.
5. Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
6. Any form of physical activity will invalidate the results.
7. The threat of war has depressed business activity.
8. Muscles contract and relax during physical activity.
9. The streets were noisy and full of activity.
10. Volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature.
11. Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s.
12. The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.
13. These teachers have been cut off from the mainstream of educational activity.
14. There was a flurry of activity as the film star appeared on the balcony.
15. The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of suspected illegal drug activity.
16. After weeks of frenetic activity, the job was finally finished.
17. I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.
18. Hours of feverish activity lay ahead. The tents had to be erected, the stalls set up.
19. There was a lot of activity in preparation for the Queen's visit.
20. Docklands in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.
21. The Americans recognise that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity.
22. He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
23. Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools.
24. Regular exercise is better than occasional bouts of strenuous activity.
25. She is an active participant in this activity.
26. We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers.
27. There was a fury of activity on the morning of their departure.
31. Childhood is the most wonderful period in one's life, the child then is a flower, a fruit, dim intelligence, an endless activity and a burst of strong desire.
32. Setting off firecrackers is a very important activity during the Spring Festival.
33. The Americans recognise that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity.
34. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.Sentence dictionary
35. He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
36. Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools.
37. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
38. Regular exercise is better than occasional bouts of strenuous activity.
39. Intelligence reported enemy activity just off the coast.
40. Everybody likes to join in this activity.
41. The manager's arrival galvanised the workers into activity.
42. The actors buzzed about in a frantic activity.
43. Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern.
44. The office was really humming with activity.
45. Employers imposed heavy sanctions for union activity.
46. This is a perfectly lawful activity.
47. The construction site was a hive of activity.
48. Things are starting to hum with activity.
49. The test records the electrical activity of the brain.
50. His traitorous activity got him court - martialed.
51. She is an active participant in this activity.
52. The news set off a rush of activity.
53. Exploration activity slowed during the 1970s.
54. Regular physical activity helps to control your weight.
55. The whole house was alive with activity.
56. Creative activity serves as an effective antidote to depression.
57. Industrial activity has muddied the river.
58. Sailing is an activity I much enjoy.
59. This activity was carried on in a businesslike manner.
60. Union activity was officially tolerated but strongly discouraged.
61. Does such an activity constitute a criminal offence?
62. This marketplace was once a hive of activity.
63. Have you seen the feverish activity in the kitchen?
64. Communist activity was prohibited on pain of death.
64. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
65. We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers.
66. The noisy activity quickly put down the fish.
67. Political activity is closely controlled.
68. Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work.
69. He was found guilty of terrorist activity.
70. Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness.
71. The house, usually bustling with activity, was strangely silent.
72. This kind of activity develops the children's problem-solving skills.
73. Working with them was our most satisfying activity.
74. The house bustled with people and activity.
75. It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.
76. Mr O'Hara had no known connection with terrorist activity.
77. The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.
78. The graph showed peaks and troughs of activity.
79. The day started with a flurry of activity .
80. The room was buzzing with activity.
81. They are busy preparing for a hectic day's activity on Saturday.
82. She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity.
83. The town remains sleepy despite the activity all around it.
84. Come with us, maybe you can serve me in this activity.
85. A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
86. Aim to do some physical activity three times a week for optimum health.
87. In the morning the house was a hive of activity.
88. The next few hours passed by in a whirl of activity.
89. Connors promised to give me a rundown on local police activity.
90. There was a sudden flurry of activity when the director walked in.
91. The show was about to begin and backstage there were signs of feverish activity .
92. Is the property or any part thereof used for commercial activity?
93. Here's an activity you can do with mixed ability classes.
94. If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity.
95. The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities.
96. After a day of air and activity,[http:///activity.html] you should be in the mood for a good meal.
97. Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.
98. The monkeys have electrodes implanted into the brain to measure their brain activity.
99. You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time.
100. of the terrorist activity.
101. After a sudden burst of activity, the team lapsed back into indolence.
102. Police watched the house all day, but there was no sign of activity.
103. She denies that her company has been involved in any actionable activity.
104. Terrorist activity in the area has frightened most tourists away.
105. A recent study showed that gardening is easily the most popular activity among the over 50s.
106. Radioactive tracers have been used to map the metabolic activity of the brain.
107. The construction site of a new school was a hive of activity.
108. The human brain is the centre of higher nervous activity.
109. Ministers are concerned by the low level of economic activity.
110. The latest increase in interest rates has damped down activity in the housing market.
111. Reading books does not rate highly among Britons as a leisure activity.
112. The activity had us tied up for a whole week.
113. Business is a competitive activity. It is very fierce and very unforgiving.
114. There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal activity.
115. The activity holidays on offer are really best suited to groups.
116. The teacher asked the students to choose a partner for the next activity.
117. She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimming costume in BrE and a bathing suit in AmE.
118. In Britain, the general age of consent for sexual activity is 16.
119. On Saturday morning, the town hums with activity and life.
120. Watching sport was by far the most popular activity on Saturday afternoons.
121. There had been a frenzy of activity in my absence.
122. There was a frenzy of activity on the financial markets yesterday.
123. His breakdown was followed by a period of heightened activity.
124. Newspapers report a higher level of activity in the foreign exchange markets.
125. There was a sudden spurt of activity in the housing market.
126. There is no reason why you should not continue with any sport or activity you already enjoy.
127. When I was studying for my exams I used to clean the house as a sort of displacement activity.
128. The classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert.
129. The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it[sentence dictionary], there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
130. The old market is lively, full of colour and activity.
131. In half an hour's whirl of activity she does it all.
132. Consensual sexual contact between two males can be a criminal activity.
133. Working at low intensity means that you can continue to perform the activity for a long while.
134. The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding.
135. I was sure he was involved in some kind of criminal activity .
136. He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity.
137. He had been engaged in emissary activity before he was discovered.
138. The next two days passed in a whirl of activity .
139. There's an amazing level of activity in the town centre currently.
140. Watching television is now the nation's most popular leisure activity .
141. Teachers here are not allowed to engage in any political activity.
142. Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation's scope of activity.
143. The men claim they have been victimized because of their political activity.
144. The patient's brain activity is monitored via electrodes taped to the skull.
145. The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.
146. The broadcast was snapped for a few seconds by the sunspot activity.
147. A good share of the answer rested in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing.
148. The scientists positioned the seismic activity as being along the San Andreas fault.
149. For thousands of years chasing down game was the main activity in which humans were involved.
150. You're going into the room, if there's some activity, semaphore!
151. Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.
152. There was a fury of activity on the morning of their departure.
153. The office was a scene of frenzied activity this morning.
154. It will only be possible to stimulate business activity with an injection of public funds.
155. The first half of January was marked by intense diplomatic activity.
156. Parents encourage every activity imaginable.
157. Lights should be softened and physical activity minimized.
158. All human activity is prompted by desire. Bertrand Russell 
159. Overall business activity is slipping.
160. Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
161. Of course[Sentence dictionary], all this illegal activity has its penalties.
162. Any sporting activity within the Centre.
163. Microbiological activity in the soil was halved.
164. Hunting is a lawful activity.
165. There is not much other activity at the airport.
166. Actuaries have been increasingly involved in merger and acquisition activity in the general insurance field.
167. Learning is both a conscious and an unconscious human activity.
168. During periods of recovery, stocks are usually more attractive investments because rising economic activity increases companies' earnings.
169. Over a period of decades, however, the location of economic activity changes.
170. Instead the primary aim should be the promotion of patient activity within acceptable limits of safety.
171. These data reflect, to some degree at least, activity within the hospital sector.
172. In the other activity, techniques are related to principles with a view to enquiring into the relationship between the two.
173. This was a recognized role among the men involved, and Humphreys was accepted as a normal part of this activity.
174. Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments. 7.
175. It has no other being except that which is bestowed upon it by human activity and consciousness.
176. The study of social policy particularly hives off a specific area of social activity in a way that must violate subject boundaries.
177. For every argument against political activity there is a counter-argument as well.
178. It was Strongheart's manifest mental activity which opened his eyes to the mental process present in all living creatures.
179. On the other hand, we have mental activity which enables us, second-by-second, to conceive of ourselves as mental entities.
180. A political motive was clearly bound up with this economic activity.
181. A manufacturing trade group reported Friday that factory activity accelerated to the highest level in almost three years during July.
182. More than a third of economic activity takes place in Manila.
183. People can take part by doing any physical activity that makes the heart beat faster and lasts for 15 minutes.
184. There may, for example,[] be changes in public opinion towards the police and the reporting of criminal activity.
185. And the levels of activity within their molecules and atoms themselves is even greater.
186. The only stipulation is that the topic must have some relationship to business activity or current affairs.
187. These are corporations deliberately set up, taken over, or controlled for the explicit and sole purpose of executing criminal activity.
188. Just as parents should foster good nutrition from an early age, they should support and encourage healthy physical activity.
189. Almost inadvertently, through such activity, structures emerged which promoted active citizenship through community education and development initiatives.
190. The level of activity in cortical cells varies, and their ability to excite other cells varies accordingly.
191. But learning does, of course, imply memory and mental activity.
192. Culture, and therefore male activity within this scheme of thought, are consequently seen as superior to nature and female passivity.
193. It is the criminal activity surrounding the supply of illegal drugs that we should really worry about.
194. The amount of colour developed during a fixed time is proportional to the tissue type plasminogen activator activity in the sample.
195. My eyes and head begin to ache from looking so intently for any sign of hydrothermal activity in the area.
196. Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending,() which accounts for two-thirds of economic activity.
197. Both cell types generated platelet activating factor activity and this was generally comparable for epithelial and lamina propria cells.
198. This is the claim that industrialism had lightened the intensity of human productive activity.
199. Unless these exist in some measure it becomes virtually impossible to continue any social activity.
200. These total plans are made up from the individual plans of every business activity of the corporation.
201. For some parents, visualization, meditation, and relaxation breathing techniques help; other people prefer physical activity to reduce stress.
202. With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
203. The navy says that burial at sea is less expensive, demands less shipyard work, and is isolated from human activity.
204. He was not a music lover, nor was he particularly attracted by any cultural activity.
205. Write a detailed account of what happened during that period of the activity.
206. This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.
207. Castilian speech, Castilian ploughs, Castilian fallows, and the Castilian attitude to economic activity go together.
208. Both schizophrenia and mood disorders show evidence of decreased activity in frontal lobes and abnormal function of the system for directed attention.
209. Anyway, this is what Wittgenstein says: It is misleading to talk of thinking as a mental activity.
210. Seen in this light, management is a political activity and it is an emotional activity too because organisations are about people.
211. Meanwhile, government ministers faced calls for their resignation, and Yeltsin acted to ban the more blatant manifestations of opposition activity.
212. Thus recorded crime can only be seen as an indication of criminal activity.
213. In 1979 he was expelled from the National Assembly and was subsequently banned from political activity.
214. Inpart this diversity is the result of wide variations among legal systems, popular definitions of crime and patterns of illegal activity.
215. I refer to the direction of physical and mental activity toward the accomplishment of a major task.
216. In advancing the tenets of racism, Western theorists left no avenue of human potentiality and human activity untouched.
217. It is inhumane in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. Dave Barry 
218. The mental activity underlying the actions, still remains radically different.
219. Ethics is the activity of man directed to secure the inner perfection of his own personality. Albert Schweitzer 
220. Knowing the right questions to ask often depends on being familiar with the activity in hand and on general business expertise.
221. However, the Arizona market is not an isolated den of criminal activity in Bosnia.
222. This ability liberates the child from sensorimotor intelligence, permitting the invention of new means of solving problems through mental activity.
223. On the one hand, people in communities hard hit by criminal activity need to be protected.
224. If you concentrate hard enough, your mental activity will slow down.
225. The enjoyment of gross physical activity goes on for a long time, progressing to skipping and rushing-about games.
226. Or it could simply be activity in the digestive tract.
227. This striking rate of growth should not obscure the fact that the absolute level of industrial activity was still extremely low.
228. Effectiveness: ensuring that the output from any given activity is achieving the desired results.
229. Those trained allegedly formed a death squad which directed its activity against pro-ANC activists.
230. And in the midst of all this feverish activity -- the fast-drying acrylics force him to work quickly -- a picture emerges.
231. Art is a human activity which has as its purpose the transmission to others of the highest and best feelings to which men have risen. Leo Tolstoy 
232. In any case,[http:///activity.html] human activity was not the only factor in the observances.




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